Tag: Horizon Lines

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Horizon Lines Issues Statement in Strong Support of the Jones Act

Jones Act has provided a strong foundation for America's domestic shipping industry Horizon Lines, Inc. issued the following statement from interim President and Chief Executive Officer Stephen H. Fraser: "Horizon Lines is, and always has been, a very staunch supporter of the Jones Act and all of its requirements. The Jones Act stipulates that cargo shipped between two U.S. ports must be transported on vessels that are American-made, American-flagged, at least 75% American-owned and predominantly American crewed.We fully support these requirements and steadfastly believe they are vital to American economic, merchant marine, military, national and homeland security interests.The Jones Act has provided a strong foundation for America's domestic shipping industry since 1920, and has enjoyed the long-standing support of the U.S. Navy, bi-partisan members of Congress and every president in modern history.As one of the nation's leading domestic ocean shipping companies and as a proud member of the American Maritime Partnership, Horizon Lines understands that the history and livelihood of our company, our customers and the markets we serve are inextricably linked to the Jones Act. Fifty-six years ago this week, the converted U.S. built tanker Ideal X departed Port Newark with 58 containers bound for Port Houston. With that ...

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Horizon Lines Releases Green Initiative Progress Report

Ensuring sustained environmental protection Horizon Lines, Inc., today issued a report presenting the company's progress in pursuing environmental excellence through its ongoing "Green Initiatives." The report describes the carrier's efforts to mitigate environmental impact from shipping operations and intermodal transport."Ensuring sustained environmental protection has always been a mission at Horizon Lines," said Stephen H. Fraser, President and Chief Executive Officer. "Our approach emphasizes environmental excellence through conservation techniques, waste stream management, system upgrades and voluntary compliance."The report, available at company's web site, outlines a number of initiatives the company has been pursuing. In the Marine Environment area, these initiatives include vessel management controls, low sulfur diesel fuel usage, and marine terminal pollution mitigation planning. The company has focused on reducing transportation emissions through improvements in vessel fuel consumption and truck efficiency, the use of alternative fuels and the development of more fuel-efficient transportation solutions. Additionally, the company is pursuing a long-term, sustainable approach to logistics management that should benefit all stakeholders. Examples include working to reduce empty backhaul miles through logistics network optimization and researching the feasibility of using containers built from recycled materials."Environmental stewardship is a fundamental tenet at Horizon Lines," said. "In 2011, our company received recognition from ...

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U.S. Shipping Company Convicted For Oil Pollution On High Seas

Horizon Lines ordered to pay $1,500,000 Horizon Lines, LLC was sentenced Tuesday in front of the Honorable Richard Seeborg after pleading guilty to felony charges concerning violations of international and national oil pollution laws that occurred on a large container ship called the S/S Horizon Enterprise, United States Attorney Melinda Haag announced. As part of a plea agreement, the company was ordered to pay $1,500,000, with $500,000 of the monies going to environmental projects in the San Francisco Bay area.Horizon Lines pled guilty to two counts of making false statements based on their knowing failure to maintain an accurate Oil Record Book in which all transfers and discharges of oil and oily waste are required to be recorded. "Horizon's intentional tampering with its pollution control equipment showed a blatant disregard for the environment," U.S. Attorney Haag said. "This case demonstrates our commitment to enforcing U.S. and international oil pollution laws to protect our natural resources."According to the plea agreement, engineers aboard the S/S Horizon Enterprise intentionally tricked pollution control equipment that would otherwise ensure oily waste does not go overboard. This created the possibility that oily waste could be released into the ocean. To disguise this conduct from the U.S. ...

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Horizon Lines Vessel Stages Predawn Rescue of Sailboat Passengers Adrift in Pacific Storm

Horizon Reliance containership rescue operation Horizon Lines, Inc. announced that one of its vessels enroute to Hawaii from the U.S. West Coast rescued three sailboat passengers, including a nine-year-old boy, adrift in stormy seas in the predawn hours of February 8, 2012.Captain James Kelleher and the crew of the 893-ft. Horizon Reliance containership were directed by the U.S. Coast Guard to alter course at full speed to assist the 33-ft. sailboat and its crew of three. The sailboat, said to be traveling from Puerto Vallarta, Mexico to Hilo, Hawaii, was reported to be adrift without power, with all sails destroyed, approximately 411 nautical miles east of Honolulu. Weather conditions were poor, with southwesterly winds gusting to 40 knots and sea swells in the 20-ft. range. Horizon Lines is a member of AMVER, a voluntary program sponsored by the U.S. Coast Guard for mutual vessel assistance and rescue.The rescue took place at approximately 2 a.m. local time and all three passengers are now aboard the Horizon Reliance and reported to be in good health and spirits. The Horizon Reliance is scheduled to arrive in Honolulu at 4 a.m. local time on February 9, 2012. At that time, the rescued passengers, three ...

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Horizon Lines Reaches Resolution on Environmental Record-Keeping Incident

The company will pay a fine of $1.0 million Horizon Lines, Inc. announced that its Horizon Lines, LLC operating subsidiary has entered into an agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, under which the ocean cargo carrier will plead guilty to two counts of providing federal authorities with false vessel oil record-keeping entries on a containership in the U.S. West Coast-Hawaii service.Under the agreement, which is subject to court approval, the company will pay a fine of $1.0 million and donate an additional $500,000 to the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation for environmental community service programs. The company also has agreed to be placed on probation for three years and institute an environmental compliance plan.The charges stem from the improper use of an oily water separator and related inappropriate record keeping on the Horizon Enterprise, an American-flag containership that sails between Tacoma, Oakland and Honolulu. Oily water separators are used to remove oil from bilge or wastewater, so that the water can then be legally discharged into the ocean.The company responded promptly and proactively to the discovery of these violations. As part of the company's environmental review, Horizon Lines conducted a fleet-wide audit and has cooperated fully with the Department ...

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Horizon Lines to Discontinue Trans-Pacific FSX Service

Now focus on domestic ocean markets in Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico Horizon Lines, Inc reports that it will discontinue its Five Star Express (FSX) trans-Pacific container shipping service between the U.S. West Coast, Guam and China. The U.S.-flag containership operator says it is implementing an orderly transition plan, beginning October 31, 2011, and will work aggressively to mitigate any supply chain disruptions for its customers. It says that discontinuation of the Guam and China services will have no impact on its domestic ocean services in Alaska, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico.The last voyage of the FSX service from China is scheduled to depart Shanghai on November 2, 2011. Horizon Lines also will suspend ocean services to Guam and surrounding islands effective with the last sailing from the U.S. West Coast on November 10, 2011.The company expects to cease all operations related to the FSX service during the fourth quarter and does not expect to have significant continuing involvement in the operations after the termination. Therefore, the company will classify the FSX service as discontinued operations and as a result, expects to record a pretax restructuring charge of between $105 million and $110 million in fiscal fourth quarter 2011. The charge ...

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Horizon Lines Honored for Service Excellence and Environmental Sustainability

It has been awarded the 2011 Quest for Quality Award Horizon Lines, Inc., (NYSE:HRZ) has been awarded the 2011 Quest for Quality Award from Logistics Management magazine and named a top Green Supply Chain Partner from Inbound Logistics magazine.For nearly three decades, Logistics Management's Quest for Quality award has been regarded in the transportation and logistics industry as one of the most reputable measures of customer satisfaction and performance excellence. The Inbound Logistics Green Supply Chain Partners award recognizes companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability."Receiving recognition from our customers and the industry for service excellence and our environmental efforts is very gratifying and encourages our company to continue improving," said Brian Taylor, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. "Our associates are among the most experienced and dedicated in the industry and deserve to be recognized for the hard work and professionalism they exhibit every day."To determine the Quest for Quality awardees, Logistics Management conducts a survey of shippers to rate transportation carriers on the basis of service quality. Service providers must achieve an above average weighted score based on customer rankings in the following areas-customer service, on-time performance, value, information technology, equipment and operations. A total of 14 ...

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