Tag: Gulf of Mexico

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Gulf Dead Zone this year predicted to be the Largest in history

The largest recorded dead zone was found in 2002 Scientists predict this year's "dead zone" of low-oxygen water in the northern Gulf of Mexico will be the largest in history - about the size of Lake Erie - because of more runoff from the flooded Mississippi River valley.Each year when the nutrient-rich freshwater from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers pours into the Gulf, it spawns massive algae blooms. In turn, the algae consume the oxygen in the Gulf, creating the low oxygen conditions. Fish, shrimp and many other species must escape the dead zone or face dying.Federal and university scientists predict this year's zone will be between 8,500 square miles and about 9,400 square miles. The actual size of the dead zone will be measured over the summer.The largest recorded dead zone was found in 2002 when 8,400 square miles of the Gulf was found to lacking sufficient oxygen for most marine life.The forecasts on the size of the hypoxic zone are usually close to the mark, although hurricanes have chopped them up in the past.Eugene Turner, an oceanographer at Louisiana State University, said the dead zone has continued to get larger since it was first noticed and measured in ...

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Shell announced a multi-billion dollar investment for the Gulf of Mexico

The project is expected to produce 50,000 barrels of oil a day Shell announced a significant, multi-billion dollar investment to develop its major Cardamom oil and gas field in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico (GoM). The Cardamom project is expected to produce 50,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boe) a day at peak production and more than 140 million boe over its lifetime.Technological advances in seismic imaging and drilling have allowed us to both discover and access this new field, said Marvin Odum, Shell Upstream Americas Director. This is another sizeable deep-water investment by Shell that strengthens energy supplies to the USA. It will also secure employment for more offshore workers.Shells rigorous global safety standards underpin our approach to deep-water exploration and production. Our exploration plan for Cardamom (Shell interest 100%) was the first to receive approval since the lifting of the US government moratorium on drilling in the GoM. As a result of todays final investment decision, Shell will move ahead with further development drilling and installing undersea equipment.Shell discovered the Cardamom reservoir in 2010 using advanced seismic technology that was able to produce improved images versus traditional seismic methods. The discovery was confirmed by drilling a ...

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Transocean supports that Coast Guard report on oil spill is full of errors

Transocean insists the blast did not result from poor upkeep The owner of the oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico last year said Wednesday that a Coast Guard report that faults the company for a poor safety culture and other shortcomings that preceded the disaster is full of errors.Transocean said in a 112-page response submitted to the U.S. government that the April 22 draft report should be corrected. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement is expected to release a joint final report with the Coast Guard by late next month.Switzerland-based Transocean insists the blast did not result from poor upkeep, that the blowout preventer was properly maintained and that the general alarm on the rig did not fail to operate automatically. It also said the engines on the rig did not fail to shut down upon detection of gas."When a report of this importance purports to reach conclusions and makes findings so at odds with the evidence, questions must be raised about the fact-finding process and whether an agenda, rather than evidence, served as the report's foundation," Transocean said in its response.A spokeswoman for the joint federal investigation team declined to comment.Multiple government and ...

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ITF Offshore Task Force meets in Croatia

Formed to protect the rights of offshore workers in the Gulf of Mexico The ITF Offshore Task Force Group has concluded a two-day meeting in Split, Croatia.The group was formed as a stand-alone body in 1997 and is chaired by Norrie McVicar, previously chair of its predecessor group in the ITF.Originally formed with the participation of US and Mexican trade unions to protect the rights of offshore workers in the Gulf of Mexico, the group has expanded to include unions representing offshore workers around the world and support them in their efforts to develop collective bargaining.Delegates at the Split meeting also came from Asia Pacific and European unions.Danilo Prestint of the Seafarers Union of Croatia, which hosted the meeting, explains that the group's aims are identical to those of the ITF campaign against flag of convenience ships to work for the introduction of ITF acceptable agreements to ensure decent working and living conditions for those working in this industry.To this end, the group works to organise unorganised workers in the offshore oil and gas sector, prevent social dumping, encourage collective bargaining and freedom of union organisation, and ensure conditions of employment in accordance with the ITF.Maritime Union of Australia Deputy ...

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Gulf oil drilling safety takes a back seat

Political statements for the Gulf matter When members of Congress want to figure out whats really going on in the Gulf these days, itseasy to tell if they just want to make political statements or get to the truth of the matter.This week, political statements ruled the day. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, turned tradition on its head by first trotting out Gulf politicians and businessmen intent on bashing Obama administration oil drilling policies. The man responsible for ensuring drilling safety was allowed to speak -- last.The hearing,Making the Gulf Coast Whole Again: Assessing the Recovery Efforts of BP and the Obama Administration after the Oil Spill,couldinstead have been called Making the Oil Industry Whole Again: How the Obama Administration Put Safety BeforeProfits.Mississippi Gov.Haley Barbour was the lead witness, and he didnt disappoint. The former energy industry lobbyistmade it clear where his priorities were,telling the committee this was an economic disaster, not an environmental one.; The governor even blamed the media for making oil-coated wildlife look like "chocolate pelicans." And Barbour emphatically told the panel all seafood testing so far has found to be safe whilethe beaches of Mississippiare all clean ...

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Bacterial bloom consumed the methane discharged from Deepwater Horizon

Consumed in 120 days A technical comment published in the current (May 27) edition of the journal Science casts doubt on a widely publicized study that concluded that a bacterial bloom in the Gulf of Mexico consumed the methane discharged from the Deepwater Horizon well.The debate has implications for the Gulf of Mexico ecosystem as well as for predictions of the effect of global warming, said marine scientist and lead author Samantha Joye, University of Georgia Athletic Association Professor in Arts and Sciences.Based on methane and oxygen distributions measured at 207 stations in the Gulf of Mexico, a study published in the January 21, 2011 edition of Science concluded that "nearly all" of the methane released from the well was consumed in the water column within approximately 120 days of the release.In the current paper in Science, Joye and co-authors from 12 other institutions make the case that uncertainties in the hydrocarbon discharge from the blowout, oxygen depletion fueled by processes other than methane consumption, a problematic interpretation of genetic data and shortcomings of the model used by the authors of the January study challenge the attribution of low oxygen zones to the oxidation of methane gas."Our goal is to ...

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BP among founding members of World Bank carbon fund

The Forest fund is designed to pay developing countries for reducing emissions BP is responsible for the loss of around 5m barrels of oil in the Gulf of Mexico last year and annual carbon emissions greater than 120 developing countries put together, has become the world's first company to try to profit from a new World Bank carbon fund.The oil company on Tuesday joined Britain, Germany and Norway as well as the EU and NGO Nature Conservancy as founding members of a fund designed to pay developing countries for reducing carbon emissions caused by the destruction of their forests.The six initial Forest carbon partnership facility members have so far pledged $156m, with Germany and Norway believed to have donated the most. BP's share has not been made public but is thought to be modest. The company will be allowed to offset its own emissions via the fund, or could buy carbon offsets and sell them on the open market.If global agreement on the UN's major deforestation initiative, known as Redd, can be made in the climate talks which resume next week in Bonn, the carbon fund intiative is expected to grow into a multi-billion-dollar scheme to reward countries who protect ...

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BP succeeded in keeping the oil spill away from beaches but not to prevent damage

The chemicals used are more toxic than the oil spill BP succeeded in sinking the oil from its blown well out of sight and keeping much of it away from beaches and marshes last year by dousing the crude with nearly 2 million gallons of toxic chemicals. But the impact on the ecosystem as a whole may have been more damaging than the oil alone.The combination of oil and Corexit, the chemical BP used to dissolve the slick, is more toxic to tiny plants and animals than the oil in most cases, according to preliminary research by several Florida scientists. And the chemicals may not have broken down the oil as well as expected.Scientists reported some of their early findings last week at a Florida Institute of Oceanography conference at the University of Central Florida. The researchers were funded a year ago through a $10 million BP grant.The initial findings require more research for scientists to reach definitive conclusions. But scientists said they were struck by the studies so far.They added BP oil to a jar of sea water and saw all the oil float to the top. After adding a little Corexit to the mix, the entire bottle of ...

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Two Bodies of missing crew recovered from sunken fishing vessel in Gulf of Mexico

The cause of death was drowning After the Coast Guard suspended search efforts on Friday for crew members following the sinking of fishing vessel the Sandy Point in the Gulf of Mexico, independent salvage divers have recovered the bodies of the 2 remaining crew members off the Mississippi coast.The 163-foot Sandy Point collided last Wednesday with a 600-foot container vessel, the Eurus London, as it was bound for Texas approximately 8 miles offshore Gulfport. The Sandy Point could not withstand the collision, sinking with a total of 16 crew members aboard.A pilot boat had recovered 11 of those crew members from the water transferring them to a safe vessel. Two more crew from Sandy Point made it aboard the Eurus London on their own from the water.Omega Protein Inc., the parent company to the Sandy Point, released a statement explaining that the 2 reclaimed bodies from the salvage team were turned into the Harrison County Coroners office to conduct autopsies for the total of 3 fishermen who died in result of the collision.Harrison country Coroner, Gary Hargrove, has reported that the cause of death for all 3 fishermen was drowning. The men have been identified as 65-year-old Thomas L. Moore, ...

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USCG responds to collision of two vessels near Gulfport Ship Channel

The one sank with 16 persons aboard The Coast Guard is responding to a report of a collision between two vessels. Wendesday, 10 miles south of Gulfport near Ship Island in the Gulf of Mexico.At 8:50 pm, watchstanders at Coast Guard Station Gulfport were notified that a collision had occured between the Sandy Point, a 163-foot fishing vessel, and a 660-foot container vessel, the Eurus London, approximately eight miles offshore Gulfport between Cat Island and Ship Island. The Sandy Point sank, following the collision with 16 persons abroad.A pilot boat safely recoverd 11 people from the water and transferred them to the fishing vessel Frosty Morn. Two additional crewmembers of the Sandy Point made it on theri own to the Eurus London.The Coast Guard is currently searching for three people who were aboard the Sandy Point.The Coast Guard has established a safety zone of approximately 25-square miles between Cat Island and Ship Island south of Gulfport to allow for safe search and rescue and pollution response operations.The cause of the accident is under investigation.Source: USCG

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