Tag: GHG

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UK able to reach zero GHG emissions by 2050 with ambitious targets, report says

According to the Committee on Climate Change, the UK can end its contribution to global warming within 30 years by setting an ambitious new target to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050. The CCC’s recommended targets, which cover all sectors of the UK, Scottish and Welsh economies, can be achieved with known technologies, along with improvements in people's lives , and should be put into law.

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MEPC 74 due in May: What is on the agenda

The Marine Environment Protection Committee's (MEPC), 74th session is scheduled to take place in 13-17 May 2019. The key subjects to be discussed will be adoption of amendments to IMO mandatory instruments, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships, implementation of the sulphur 2020 limit, marine plastic litter action plan, ballast water management Convention implementation, approval of guidance and other matters, technical cooperation and capacity building and seminar on ship recycling.

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Researchers to store CO2 on the Norwegian shelf

A Swedish-Norwegian research project will be searching into the possibilities and costs of transporting CO2 captured in Sweden for storage on the Norwegian shelf. This is the first project ever to look into this possibility. The goal of this project is to investigate the possibilities of launching a full-scale facility for the capture and transport of CO2 from the Preem refinery and wet gas plant at Lysekil.

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Norway must make its oil industry emissions-free, Labor states

Norway should aim to make its oil industry completely emissions-free, the leader of the country’s biggest opposition party stated. The proposal comes to add to the already established Norwegian ambition to reduce the emissions of it oil, its biggest emitter of greenhouse gases, despite the fact that more offshore platforms are getting power from shore instead of burning gas for electricity.

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Norwegian partnership tests fuel cells for the first conversion of hydrogen hybrid ferry

ABB, SINTEF and Fiskerstrand are test fuel cells for the world’s first conversion of a hydrogen hybrid ferry. The tests aim to provide answers needed for Norwegian shipyard Fiskerstrand to convert an existing ferry to run on a combination of batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. ABB and the SINTEF Ocean laboratory will assess how fuel cells and batteries can function together for short-distance ferry operations.

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