Tag: ETF

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ECSA, ETF on the Commissions Mid-Term Maritime Strategy Review

Joint paper to share a common vision on social-related issues On Friday 22 May, the European Social Partners for Maritime Transport - the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) - presented a joint position paper on the Commission's Mid-Term Maritime Strategy Review.Pia Voss, spokeswoman for ECSA said: "I am particularly pleased that the social partners have managed to express a common view on a number of social-related key issues, such as working and living conditions onboard ships or measures to stimulate seafarers' recruitment and employment".It is the very first time that ECSA and ETF have expressed such a common vision on the future of the European Commission's maritime transport policy, proving once again the vitality and the effectiveness of the dialogue existing at EU level between social partners.Mark Dickinson, the spokesman of ETF added: "this exercise was not easy and it is obvious that there are still areas where ECSA and ETF continue to disagree. Nevertheless, we feel in our Social Dialogue Committee that there are many other issues where we do agree, and this time we decided to sit together and managed to express this common vision in a joint position paper".The Social ...

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ECSA, ETF report on maritime career path mapping

Increasing the attractiveness of maritime careers in Europe The European maritime community faces a major challenge in training sufficient numbers of young people to adequately supply the current and future needs of European Union Member States commercial trading fleets.There is also a huge, and growing,demand for European trained and qualified seafarers, both officers and ratings, to work in the numerous and varied industrial sectors that to some extent rely on a steady stream of seafarers qualified in accordance with the IMO Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Convention (STCW).A research project - the Career Mapping Update2013 (CM2) - initiated by the European Community Shipowners' Associations (ECSA) and the EuropeanTransport Workers' Federation (ETF), and funded by the European Commission, is aimed at addressing these challenges full-on.Key FindingsMost trainee seafarers (both EU nationals andnon-EU nationals) apply for maritime training for entirely, and rather remarkably, positive reasons, and this also applies to the reasons active and ex-seafarers applied for maritime training at the outset of their careersThe advantages of a future career ashore inthe maritime cluster do not feature highly on the list of reasons for applying for maritime training for Europeanseafarers (or for non-Europeans).While a significant proportion of trainee seafarers state they ...

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EU flag vessels to carry on board ECSA/ETF agreement on MLC

Recently EC enforced Directive 2009/13/EC to implement the agreement The European Community Shipowners's Association (ECSA) and the European Transport Workers' Federation (ETF) had reached an agreement to incorporate certain provisions of the ILO Maritime Labour Convention (MLC 2006) into community law at the end of 2007. The Agreement applies to seafarers on board shipsregistered in a Member State and/or flying flag of aMember State. The European Commision has recently enforcedDirective 2009/13/EC implementing the Agreement by ECSA and ETF on ILO MLC 2006.Monitor of Compliance1. Member States shall ensure thateffective andappropriateenforcementand monitoring mechanisms, including inspections at the intervals provided for in MLC 2006,are established in order to ensure that the living and working conditions of seafarers on ships flying their flag meet, and continue to meet, the requirements ofthe relevant parts of MLC 2006.2.With respect to ships of less than 200 gross tonnage not engaged in international voyages , Member States may, in consultation with the ship-owners' and seafarers' organisations concerned, decide to adapt, pursuant to Article II, paragraph 6 of MLC 2006, monitoring mechanisms, including inspections, to take account of the specific conditions relating to such ships.3.When fulfilling their obligations under this Article, Member States may, where appropriate, authorise public ...

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