Tag: dangerous cargo

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IMO Sub- Committe On Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers

Enclosed space entry drills decided The IMO's Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers held its 17th session from Monday 17 through Friday 21 September 2012, under the Chairmanship of Mr Xie Hui (CHINA). He, together with his Vice Chairman, Mr Patrick Van Lancker (BELGIUM) were re-elected.Three working groups were convened:(1) Container Safety(2) Amendments to SOLAS to mandate enclosed space entry and rescue drills(3) Amendment 02-13 to the IMSBC CodePoints of interest emanating from the meeting thought to be most of interest to Intermanager Members are as follows: TRANSPORT OF IRON ORE FINES IN BULK. WG3 prepared terms of reference for a Correspondence Group, the outcome of which would feature a new schedule for iron ore fines, testing procedures (if necessary) and a revision of the existing iron ore schedule, if required.Towards this end, Member States, IGOs and NGOs were invited to make available detailed technical information on liquefaction incidents/casualties to assist the Correspondence Group in its work, which is due for completion by the end of May 2013.The decision not to finalise a draft schedule for iron ore fines at this session was taken in recognition of combined on-going research between Australia and Brazil which is expected to ...

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IMO and SPC focus on safe transportation of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes by sea

Workshop focuses on raising awareness The London-based International Maritime Organization (IMO), in partnership with SPC, is running a workshop this week in Suva to assist Pacific Island member governments to meet their obligations with regard to national regulations concerning the safe transportation of dangerous goods and bulk cargoes by sea.Delivering his opening remarks to the delegates, Alfredo Parroquín-Ohlson of IMO said, 'As the world becomes increasingly industrialised and the industry itself becomes ever more complex, the transport by sea of dangerous cargoes will continue to rise and the lists of products classified as 'dangerous' will grow, too. It is essential, if shipping within the global world trade is to improve its safety record, that these cargoes are handled, transported and stored with the greatest possible care.'Accidents caused by inadequate stowage and carriage for the rigour of a sea voyage are not only costly in terms of loss of life and damage to the environment and property, but they also tarnish the image of shipping,' he added.The workshop focuses on raising awareness on the IMO-developed International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code and the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code.The latest edition of the IMDG Code (Amendment 34-08) entered into force ...

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Explosive reaction to ship’s cargo

Concerns about possible human rights violations aboard the ship Unions, residents and the State Opposition have reacted angrily to Orica's use of a cargo ship to store 3000 tonnes of the mining explosive, ammonium nitrate, off the coast of Newcastle. And there are also concerns about possible human rights violations aboard the ship.The company says it's using the MCP Kopenhagen to store the chemical as it doesn't have the space or authorisation to keep it on land.Orica is waiting for council approval of a storage facility at Denman in the Upper Hunter.Maritime Union of Australia officials boarded the ship at the weekend and described conditions onboard as the worst they've seen in years.The union's assistant national secretary, Warren Smith, described what they found to 1233 ABC Newcastle's Jill Emberson."The ship's in an absolutely disgraceful state and some of the hardware on the ship was found to be defective," he says."But the fact that you've got this complete, total disgrace of human rights where workers on the vessel were rationed 300ml of water a day, rancid meat, rotten vegetables, grossly underpaid crew."Now our concern is that in dealing with such a highly dangerous and toxic substance such as ammonium nitrate everyone ...

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