Tag: cyber security

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US Navy advises to know the anatomy of a cyber intrusion

How to detect, prevent and resolve cyber persistent threats US Navy says that in order to improvecybersecurity and successfully detect, prevent and resolve cyber persistent threats, you need to understand important stages of how adversaries can compromise our defenses and recommends the following measures:Stage 1 ReconDuring cyber adversary work-up periods, adversaries learn about the vulnerabilities of their target. Prior to an incident, they will gather information about the targeted networks, their systems, personnel, logistics and warfighting capabilities. They will employ many techniques, but interacting with their targets online is often the easiest method due to the volume of freely accessible information posted to popular social networking, media and web sites. Well-known, highly successful techniques to gain initial network access include:*Social Engineering and Complacency - Adversaries rely on human interaction and are often successful due to their victims violating established security policies and procedures. Their goal is to get you to relax your vigilance to the point where you feel comfortable or compelled into surrendering personal or confidential information. This information could enable them to access sensitive data without your knowledge. Cyber criminals might trick you into visiting a webpage or plugging an unauthorized device (USB memory stick, CD/DVD, hard disk ...

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North P&I Club warns of a ‘raft’ of new shipping regulations on cyber risks

The North P&I Club says shipowners and operators should be prepared for a new 'raft' of regulations relating to cyber security. As well as compromising vessel safety, a lack of on-board firewalls and other cyber security measures could soon expose shipowners to heavy fines and penalties, according to an article co-authored with Clyde & Co partner Joe Walsh in the latest issue of the Club's loss prevention newsletter Signals.Norths deputy director of loss prevention Colin Gillespie says, The safe operation of ships is increasingly dependent on sophisticated electronic systems, so it is vital these systems are properly secured and protected from external risks. According to the Club, the US Coast Guards new cyber strategy also looks set to be a catalyst for new national and international regulations relating to cyber security on ships. The US Coast Guard published its cyber strategy in June this year in response to what it perceives is one of the most serious threats to US economic and national security interests, says Gillespie. The International Maritime Organization has also now recognised the threat to global maritime safety and commerce, and is expected to review industry guidelines at it maritime safety committee in May next year. Gillespie ...

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2015 SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum successfully concluded on 7th October

1100 delegates from 30 countries representing a total of 480 organizations The 2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfully concluded on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting 1100 delegates from 30 countries representing a total of 480 organizations.A unique panel of 24 global experts presented latest maritime safety perspectives, best practices, security trends, loss prevention issues and human element challenges. Positive feedback on the presentations together with roundtable discussions proved the programme and speakers successfully addressed current maritime issues.The event organized by SQE4SEA and sponsored by ABS, ASPIDA, CHALOS & Co Law Firm, DNV GL, Dorian LPG, Hellenic War Risks, Hellenic Lloyd's Register, MAGSAYSAY, Marshall Islands Registry, Norsafe Group, Phoenix Register of Shipping, SpecTec Group, SQEMARINE, Steamship Mutual P&I Club, Thenamaris (Ships Management) Inc., Transmar Shipping and UK P&I Club. Furthermore, the event was supported by: ALBA Graduate Business School, AMMITEC, Chios Marine Club, Green Award, ECOMASYN, E, Hellenic Shipbrokers Association, , Hellenic Navy, Hellenic Committee of Lloyd's Brokers' Association, HELMEPA, HEMEXPO, Hellenic Maritime Law Association, Hellenic Society of Maritime Lawyers, International Propeller Club, IFSMA, MARTECMA, Piraeus Marine Club, University of the Aegean, University of Piraeus, WIMA, WISTA Hellas and Yatch Club of Greece. During ...

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USCG releases Cyber Strategy

Ensuring the security of the nation's Maritime Transportation System The commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG), Adm. Paul F. Zukunft, released the service's cyber strategy at the Center for Strategic and International Studies to ensure the prosperity and security of the nation's Maritime Transportation System (MTS) in the face of a rapidly evolving cyber domain. "While cyber certainly poses a number of unique risks and challenges," said the commandant. "I am confident that we can meet them in a way that benefits the marine industry, protects privacy and maintains the safety and security of our maritime environment." Cyberspace is an operational domain that integrates information and intelligence in support of Coast Guard operations. The rapid development of digital technologies has led to unprecedented efficiencies, but it has also come with serious risks. The Coast Guard's cyber strategy is a comprehensive framework that identifies three strategic priorities critical to the service's effort defending the maritime domain: Defend cyberspace - Ensure the full scope of the Coast Guard's capabilities are effective and efficient by building and maintaining secure and resilient Coast Guard information networks; Enable operations - Detect, deter, disable and defeat adversaries by developing and leveraging a diverse set of ...

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