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EU supports shipping industry in meeting SECA challenge

Joint industry statement for the ESSF ECSA, CLIA Europe, Interferry and ECG have released a joint industry statement to contribute to the forthcoming debate at the European Sustainable Shipping Forum (ESSF).One of thepurposes of the ESSF is to assess progress towards compliance with the IMOrequirementfor a maximum 0.1% sulphur content in marine fuel,due to enter intoforce as from 1 January 2015 in SECAs (Sulphur Emission Control Areas). Thisrequirement will be enforced in the European Union through the Sulphur Directive(Directive 2012/33/EU)The shipping industry urges the Commission to primarily address financialsupport for ship conversions and to consider the timely application of any additionaltransitional measures in order to ensure an appropriate enforcement of the SulphurDirective.The shipping industry welcomes the opportunity offered through the ESSF to discuss thecompelling need to address practical issues that will be encountered during theimplementation process of forthcoming environmental requirements, in particular during thetransition phase before and during the entry into force of new standards.The ESSF shouldalso provide a platform to discuss possible interim measures and take due account ofregional specificities wherever necessary.The shipping industry has been directly engaged with the EU institutions for several years ona range of issues relevant to the work of the ESSF and is committed ...

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IMO adopts additional measures from global cruise industry to enhance passenger ship safety

All 10 policies from Global Cruise Industry Operational Safety Review agreed by IMO Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) announced that the IMO has implemented three additional safety-related policies from the 2012 Global Cruise Industry Operational Safety Review at the recently completed IMO Maritime Safety Committee meeting. All ten policies from the Review have now been included in formal IMO standards specific to Passenger Ship Safety."As a result of our relentless focus on passenger safety and comfort and our ongoing mission of continuous improvement in shipboard operations, cruising remains one of the safest vacation experiences available today," said Christine Duffy, president and CEO of CLIA."We look forward to working closely with the IMO, its Secretary-General, the Maritime Safety Committee and the 170 IMO Member States around the world to make a safe industry even safer for the over 20 million global passengers that cruise each year."The global cruise industry launched the Review, a comprehensive assessment of the critical human factors and operational aspects of maritime safety as part of its longstanding efforts to continuously raise the bar on safety matters. The global cruise industry introduced ten new safety policies during the Review and each policy exceeded current international regulatory requirements upon ...

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Global Cruise Industry Announces Support of Paris MOU’s

Focus on Passenger Ship Safety in 2013 On behalf of the global cruise industry, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) today announced its support of the Paris Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control's (MOU) Harmonised Verification Programme (HAVEP), through which its 27 member States will provide focused attention on passenger ship safety throughout the 2013 calendar year. During the HAVEP, Port State Control Officers will inspect passenger ships and witness a number of emergency drills and scenarios on operational controls that govern the safe operation of passenger vessels. The Paris MOU is a system of harmonized inspection procedures implemented by 27 participating maritime Administrations and covers inspection activities in the waters of the European coastal States and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe."The global cruise industry welcomes the Paris MOU's focus on passenger ship safety in 2013 through HAVEP, as the safety of passengers and crewmembers is the cruise industry's number one priority," said Bud Darr, vice president, technical and regulatory affairs, CLIA. "Through HAVEP, crewmembers will have additional opportunities to showcase their preparation for emergency situations in addition to demonstrating the extensive knowledge and training through the conduct of comprehensive drills which are already required by ...

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