Tag: BP

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Federal report released on BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico

BP bears ultimate responsibility for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history BP bears ultimate responsibility for the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history, a key government panel said Wednesday in a report that assigns more blame to the company than other investigations and could hurt its effort to fend off criminal charges and billions of dollars in penalties.The report concluded that BP violated federal regulations, ignored crucial warnings, was inattentive to safety and made bad decisions during the cementing of the well a mile beneath the Gulf of Mexico.Eleven rig workers were killed in the April 2010 explosion, and some 200 million gallons of crude spewed from the bottom of the sea.The investigation was conducted by a team from the two main agencies responsible for drilling and safety in federal waters: the Coast Guard and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Regulation and Enforcement.In the report, other companies shared some of the blame. Rig owner Transocean was accused of being deficient in preventing or limiting the disaster, in part by bypassing alarms and automatic shutdown systems. Halliburton, the contractor responsible for mixing and testing the cement, was faulted as well.But BP, as the designated operator of the ...

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BP Oil Spill: New Evidence Cites More Mistakes

Report into what caused the worst offshore oil spill is set to be released soon A BP scientist identified a previously unreported deposit of flammable gas that could have played a role in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, but the oil giant failed to divulge the finding to government investigators for as long as a year, according to interviews and documents obtained by The Associated Press.While engineering experts differ on the extent to which the two-foot-wide swath of gas-bearing sands helped cause the disaster, the finding raises the specter of further legal and financial troubles for BP. It also could raise the stakes in the multibillion-dollar court battle between the companies involved.A key federal report into what caused the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. history is set to be released as early as Wednesday."This is a critical factor, where the hydrocarbons are found," said Rice University engineering professor Satish Nagarajaiah. "I think further studies are needed to determine where this exactly was and what response was initiated by BP if they knew this fact."At issue: BP petrophysicist Galina Skripnikova in a closed-door deposition two months ago told attorneys involved in the oil spill litigation that there appeared to ...

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An Oily Tide Washes in With Gulf Storms

Confirming fears that the crude from BP's historic blowout is far from gone When Tropical Storm Lee pummeled the Gulf coast with wind and rainlast week, it left more than local floods and wind damage in its wake. Residents from Florida to Louisiana report the slow-moving gale blew in oily residues, thick tar mats and tar balls, confirming fears that the crude from BP's historic blowout is far from gone.Charles Taylor of Bay St Louis, MS, said he went out to investigate right after the storm hit tophotograph the beach, taking samplesof oily crude and tar with a spoon. Taylorsaid he offered themto the US Coast Guard at a meetingin Biloxi but no one would take them. "I getting fed up with their ways," he wrote me in an email.Oil also washed up near hard hit Grand Isle on Fourchon beach. According to the Times-Picayune, the storm surge uncoveredtar mats just offshore.The landmanager of the Wisner Donation Trust, which owns andtakes care of the beach area, wondered when BP was going to really clean up the mess. Here'swhat she toldthe paper:"We've been responding all along to the ongoing contamination we've insisted has been there," she said. "We've done our own ...

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BP To Develop Oil reserve in the North Sea

Investing up to 700 million pounds to develop the Kinnoull reservoir BP PLC and its partners say they will invest up to 700 million pounds ($1.1 billion) to develop the Kinnoull reservoir in the North Sea.BP said Tuesday that Kinnoull holds 45 million barrels of oil equivalent, and the investment will extend production beyond 2020 with a peak rate of 45,000 barrels a day.The new facilities are scheduled to come on line in 2013.BP holds a 77 percent stake in the reservoir, Eni SpA has 16.7 percent and Summit Oil International 6.3 percent.Source :Huffington Post

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Halliburton Energy Services sues BP over Deepwater crisis

Claiming that BP provided false information about the location of pockets of oil BP PLC has engaged in a "cover up scheme" to hide its culpability for the deadly rig explosion that spawned last year's massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, one of the oil giant's partners in the drilling project claims in a newly filed lawsuit.Halliburton Energy Services Inc.'s suit, the latest of several that the project's partners have filed against each other, accuses BP of concealing critical information about the deepwater well that blew out on April 20, 2010.Halliburton, which did cement work on BP's Macondo well, claims in Thursday's suit that BP provided false information about the location of pockets of oil and gas around the well before the blowout. Halliburton says knowing the location of those zones is critical for a cementing job."Profit and greed" were BP's motives for concealing the information, the lawsuit alleges. Halliburton says it likely would have insisted on redesigning the well's production casing if it had known about an additional hydrocarbon zone that BP allegedly failed to disclose."Such changes would have cost BP millions of dollars on a well that was already painfully over budget and behind schedule," says ...

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Oil emerges in Gulf near Deepwater Horizon well

Globs of oil are seen blooming on the Gulf In this video shot near the site of the Deepwater Horizon accident, globs of oil are seen blooming on the Gulf surface in iridescent yellow circles. Chemical analysis of the Press-Register's samples by LSU scientists found that the oil could be from the BP well, but results were not conclusive. BP meanwhile said no oil was present when the company flew over the area Saturday.

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Australian ITF raises concerns over alleged crew bashings

The seafarers refuse to sign a sub-standard industrial agreement from the owners ITF Australia is highly concerned about the welfare of at least two crew members onboard the BP Chartered "Britto" after receiving cries for help this morning.The Panamanian registered FOC tanker had been working on the Australian coast, servicing BP's domesticfuel trade under an ITF International Minimum Standards Agreement for its Filipino, Bangladeshi and Korean crew.The ITF has been called on to protect at least two seafarers who have allegedly been bashed onboard for refusing to sign a sub-standard industrial agreement from the ship's Korean owners. It was further reported that other crew were threaten be thrown overboard by the ship's master if they did not comply.Representatives from theITF have exposed the dark history of the ship, which has been trading under Australian government permits to Brisbane, Fremantle, Melbourne, Geelong, Port Botanyand Adelaide.On two occasions, the ship owners have been forced to pay significant back wages to the crew and on at least one occasion the ITF understands that the crews were forced to repay their wages back to the captain."This is the real cost of Flag of Convenience (FOC) shipping in our domestic trade - unpaid wages, stand ...

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