Tag: Bahamas Maritime Authority

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BMA issues bulletin re Enhanced Monitoring Programme

It applies to all Bahamian ships where there is evidence of declining standards of operation The Bahamas Maritime Authority issues bulletin regarding Enchanced Monitoring Programme.The Enhanced Monitoring Programme will apply to all Bahamian ships where there is evidence of declining standards of operation or maintenance, or evidence of a significant lack of compliance with international Conventions and/or national requirements, or where a trend towards general non-compliance has been identified.For more information, click hereSource: BMA

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BMA issues bulleting re Bahamas On-Line Seafare System (BOSS)

Increased accuracy and greater reliability of seafarers data The Bahamas Maritime Authority issues bulleting regarding Bahamas On-Line Seafarer System (BOSS).BOSS was developed and made available for use to parties (Registered Owners and ISM Managers, or their duly authorized Managing Agents, of Bahamian registered vessels) who satisfied the BMA's established criteria, including the signing of a user agreement and establishment of an agreed financial arrangement.The main aim of BOSS is to provide enhanced customer service delivery through: 24/7 provision of the Confirmation Receipt of Application (CRA) for Flag State Endorsement for Certificate of Competency for Navigation, Engineering and GMDSS Officers; increased accuracy and greater reliability of seafarers data recognising that this data will be entered by the user; active monitoring/tracking of application by the user through a web-based system; improved financial control noting that one of the conditions for the access to the system is the establishment of a credit account or an agreed financial arrangement with the BMA; ability for multi-users within a Company; vi. environmentally friendly solution through the electronic submission of documents. For more details, click here.Source: BMA

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Guidance relating to training and certification for persons working on passenger ships

By the Bahamas Maritime Authority The Bahamas Maritime Authority issues bulletin for guidance relating to training and certification for persons working on passenger ships as follows:This Bulletin provides guidance relating to training and certification for persons working on passenger ships.The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, 1978 as amended (STCW Convention) and the Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping Code (STCW Code) requires the Master, officers, ratings and appropriate persons, who are assigned to passenger ships including RO-RO passenger ships.The Bahamas Regulations are being finalized to incorporate the 2010 amendments to the STCW Convention and STCW Code.The BMA will apply the transitional periods in accordance with the provisions of the 2010 amendments.For more information, click here.Source: The Bahamas Maritime Authority

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The Bahamas Maritime Authority to open office in Greece by November

The Greek office will be fully operational by November A much anticipated office expected to deepen the Bahamas Maritime Authoritys (BMA) presence in Greece is set to open by November.Chairman of the BMA Ian Fair has confirmed that both the Greece office and a Hong Kong office will be fully operational by the end of the year. Both offices are expected to expand the country's registry by 10 percent, with plans in motion to boost the countrys image in those jurisdictions.We will have the Greece office fully operational by November, he told Guardian Business. We will have more staff than the Hong Kong office. We have not determined exactly how much staff yet, but it will be six people immediately.The move comes as the nations influence spreads in China, with BMA officials invited to speak in Tianjin, China in October, where it will make a technical presentation to the Hong Kong Shipowners Association.Fair asserts marketing is important in the region.Thats a key thing for that region... but more people are aware now that The Bahamas has a presence in East Asia.We have some plans for October to do some more .Fair has said the recent move to Hong Kong was a ...

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STCW 2010 Amendments- Requirements for seafarers onboard Bahamian registered ships

BMA Information Bulletin No. 129 The Bahamas Maritime Authority issued an information bulletin with guidance and instructions refering to ship-owners, managers and their manning agents, masters, Bahamas Recognised Organisations and Bahamas Approved Nautical Inspectors.The Bulletin provides guidance on the implementation of the 2010 amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW) and the Seafarers Training, Certification and Watch-keeping Seafarers Code (STCW Code).For more details, click here.Source: BMA

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Guidance and instructions for training and certification requirements

BMA information bulletin No.130 The Bahamas Maritime Authority issued an information bulletin with guidance and instructions refering to ship-owners, managers and their manning agents, masters, Bahamas Recognised Organisations and Bahamas Approved Nautical Inspectors.The purpose of this Bulletin is to outline the training and certification carriage requirements for seafarers serving onboard Bahamian registered ships.For further information, click here.Source: BMA

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Liberia anti-piracy advisory

Maritime Security Advisory The Republic of Liberia, Bureau of Maritime Affairs, issued an advisory providing updates on procedures for vessel registration with the Maritime Security Centre Horn of Africa (MSCHOA), reporting to United Kingdom Maritime Trade Organization (UKMTO), and anti-piracy distress calling for Liberian flagged vessels transiting the Red Sea, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean.To view the Maritime Advisory please click hereSource: The Republic of Liberia

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LISCR revised piracy registration, reporting, calling, contact information

Maritime Security Advisory Revised registration, reporting, anti-piracy distress calling, emergency contact information for vessels transiting high-risk areas of the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean, have been issued by the administration of Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR) on behalf of the Republic of Liberia - Bureau of Maritime Affairs.This is in the form of Maritime Security Advisory 1/2011, which supersedes Maritime Security Advisory 09/2009.To view the Advisory click hereSource: The Republic of Liberia

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Liberia Guidance on the carriage of arms and use of 3rd party security teams

Provides guidance and clarification for Liberian flagged vessels The Republic of Liberia - Bureau of Maritime Affairs has issued a new document which provides guidance and clarification for companies that own, manage or operate Liberian flagged vessels and may be considering the service and deployment of on‐board armed security guards in High Risk Waters (HRW).This document clarifies the current Liberian Administration policy, but does not alter existing law. The document addresses common and frequently asked questions regarding the carriage of arms and armed guards.You may access the document hereSource : Liberia International Shipping Registry

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