Inspections & Surveys onboard Bahamian ships
Over recent years, the PSC record for Bahamian ships shows a general downward trend.
Read moreDetailsOver recent years, the PSC record for Bahamian ships shows a general downward trend.
Read moreDetailsSpecial requirements for cylinders and spare cylinders onboard Bahamas flagged vessels
Read moreDetailsAs the Greek fleet expansion programme continues unabated, the world's vessel registries are vying for the attention of the Greek owners and a slice of the 370 vessels deliveries they expect by 2016
Read moreDetailsThe Bahamas Maritime Authority (BMA) has issued Technical Alert No. 13-09 regarding the New Amendments to MARPOL Annex V, which came into force on 1st January 2013.
Read moreDetailsBMA issues Information Bulletin No. 150 regarding inspection and testing of automatic sprinkler systems
Read moreDetailsBahamas Maritime Authority Targets Japan, Korea
Read moreDetailsHigh Commissioner presents credentials to IMO
Read moreDetailsBahamas has the ability to influence shipping The Bahamas "punches well above its weight" in the global maritime industry, the Bahamas Maritime Authority's (BMA) chairman saying yesterday that through its involvement with the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) this nation has a powerful voice in world shipping.Ian Fair, one of the speakers at the 21st annual Bahamas Business Outlook conference, said the Bahamas has the ability to significantly influence the development of maritime legislation through the IMO, a specialised agency of the United Nations for shipping."We have a powerful voice in world shipping, and have the ability to influence the development of policy and legislation both domestically and internationally. We punch well above our weight," Mr Fair said. An example of the Bahamas' influence, he said, has been the IMO's support of the Bahamas' proposal for mandatory carbon dioxide reduction for all ships, instead of a market-based measure (MBM)."The Bahamas has proposed to the IMO to mandate efficiency improvements of existing vessels. This has massive implications for the industry. Another example that we punch well above our weight is that this is our idea, and it is being well supported by the IMO," Mr Fair said.He added that the BMO's role ...
Read moreDetailsBy the Bahamas Maritime Authority The Bahamas Maritime Authority issues Bulletin which outlines the Bahamas training requirements for applicable officers serving onboard ships fitted with Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) as follows:The ship specific ECDIS training should relate to the make and model of the ECDIS equipment installed on the ship.This should build on the generic training, and be delivered by either:i. the manufacturer; orii. the manufacturers approved agent ,oriii. a trainer who has attended such a programmeFor more information, click hereSource: The Bahamas Maritime Authority
Read moreDetailsClassNK - TEC 0871 The Bahamas Maritime Authority has notified ClassNK of BMA Information Bulletin No.136 "Enhanced Monitoring Programme" .According to the notification, any ship which has been justifiably detained on more than one occasion in a 24 month period, either by PSC or Flag State, will automatically be placed on the Enhanced Monitoring Programme.Ships which have been placed on the Enhanced Monitoring Programme are subject to Bahamas "special" inspections within one (1) month of being placed on the programme, and at three (3) month periods thereafter. Any ships remaining on the programme after twelve (12) months will be specially reviewed for continued registration in consultation with the Director of the BMA.To view ClassNK TEC- 0871, click here.Source: ClassNK
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