Steps salvage process
All oil tankers of 5,000 tones deadweght or more shall have prompt access to computerised shore-based damage stability and residual strenght calculation programmes.
According to US Regulation CFR 33#155.4030, required salvage and marine fire fighting services are listed in response plans following the process below:
Assessment and survey
1. Remote Assessment and consultation
2. Begin assessment of structural stability
3. On-site salvage assessment
4. Assessment of structiral stability
5. Hull and bottom survey
6. Emergency towing
7. Salvage plan
8. Extrernal emergency transfer operations
9. Emergency lightering
10. Making temporary repairs
11. Diving services support
Specialised salvage operations
12. Special salvage operations plan
13. Subsurfaceproduct removal
14. Heavy lift 1
ISM Code: Regulation 8 : Emergency Preparedness
8.1 The Company should identify potential emergency shipboard situations and establish procedures to respond to them.
8.2 The Company should establish programmes for drills and exercises to prepare for emergency actions
8.3 The safety management system should provide for measures ensuring that the Company’s organization can respond at any time to hazards, accidents and emergency situations involving its ships.