Martin Dorsman

Martin Dorsman

Mr. Marin Dorsman has been appointed as ECSA, European Community Shipowners’ Secretary General in Brussels. Mr. Dorsman since November 2017. Mr. Dorsman transfered to ECSA from the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners (KVNR) where he has held the position of Managing Director since 2011. Before taking that position he worked for five years as the association’s Deputy Managing Director. He has a Doctorate Degree in Macro Economic Policy and over 30 years of experience of different leadership roles and a sound knowledge of shipping. Prior to his time at the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners he worked as a civil servant for the Dutch Government, including six years at the shipping policy department. Mr. Dorsman has also contributed to the work of organisations such as the International Chamber of Shipping, the European Sustainable Shipping Forum and has chaired ECSA’s Shipping Policy Committee and Taxation Working Group.

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