Capt. Panagiotis Nikiteas

Capt. Panagiotis Nikiteas

Captain Panagiotis Nikiteas is a maritime professional with 36 years’ experience span in various sectors of the maritime industry including management, marine, vetting, operations, crewing, safety, quality, environmental, energy, security, health, auditing, surveying, incident investigation and training. He had been stationed and worked for a major Classification Society and highly reputable owners/managers abroad in Manila, Dubai and Singapore and appreciated the benefits of multi-cultural working environment. He is holding Master’s Degree in Adult Education, Master’s degree in International Shipping with distinction, Post Graduate Diploma in International Shipping and Transport Management and is a graduate from Hydra Merchant Marine Academy with distinction. Currently, he is a PhD candidate with EUC. Panagiotis (Panos) is the HSQE Manager / DPA / CSO of Maran Dry Management Inc. (

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Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021: Capt Panagiotis Nikiteas, Maran Dry Management

We have asked Capt Panagiotis Nikiteas, HSQE Manager / DPA / CSO at Maran Dry Management Inc., to make an assessment of 2020 from his perspective and share his message for the new year across the global community. Among others, he highlights that we should keep in mind that when we return to normality, not to forget the useful tools and processes that lock-downs and restrictions brought into light.

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Key challenges amid COVID-19 from the operators’ perspective

The coronavirus crisis has brought many changes in the industry; from travel restrictions to crew changes. This is a new situation that not only shipping but the whole humanity faces. As far it concerns our industry, we need to reassure seafarer's health and safety at sea as well as to minimize disruptions in trade. In this context, Capt Panagiotis Nikiteas, PGDip, MSc, MEd, HSQE Manager / DPA / CSO, Maran Dry Management Inc, enlists all current challenges that ship operators face.

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