The ReCAAP ISC has alerted the maritime community on the increasing number of sea robbery incidents on ships transiting the Singapore Strait and warns of a possibility of further incidents.
A total of three incidents were reported on ships transiting the Phillip Channel, in the eastbound lane of the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) in the Singapore Strait (SS) on 28 February 2025, between 0030 hrs and 0700 hrs. The incidents occurred in close proximity to each other, off Takong Kecil Light, Indonesia. Two incidents involved bulk carriers, and one involved a petroleum/chemical tanker. One crew member was injured in one incident. Engine spares were stolen in one case, while nothing was stolen in the other two.
With these three incidents, a total of 21 incidents were reported in the Straits of Malacca and Singapore (SOMS), all in the SS, during January-February 2025, compared to six incidents during the same period in 2024. The locations of the 21 incidents are indicated in the attached map.
The ReCAAP ISC urges littoral States to increase patrols and surveillance in their respective waters, respond promptly to incidents reported by ships, strengthen coordination, and promote information sharing on incidents and criminal groups to arrest perpetrators.
Ships are advised to intensify vigilance, maintain a sharp lookout, especially during hours of darkness, adopt preventive measures recommended in the Regional Guide 2 to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia, and report all incidents immediately using the ReCAAP ISC Mobile App to the nearest coastal State and flag State.