ABS has published its guide for enhanced cargo tank cleaning applicable for vessels intended to carry oil in bulk and vessels intended to carry chemical cargo in bulk.
Specifically, this Guide sets forth requirements for the optional notation ECTC (Enhanced Cargo Tank Cleaning). These cargo tank cleaning systems use permanently-installed and portable tank cleaning machines to clean cargo tanks without necessitating confined space entry.
Cargo Tanks
Cargo tanks and cargo piping are to be stainless steel or effectively coated to resist corrosion. Heating coils are to be stainless steel or of a material equivalently resistant to corrosion.
Tanks are to be designed in such a way to avoid the creation of large shadow areas and the accumulation of cargo to facilitate 96% coverage by tank cleaning machines. Tanks with corrugated bulkheads will be given special consideration. Cargo tanks are to have cargo pumps with suction wells suitably located for adequate draining.
- Corrugated Bulkheads: For bulkheads with horizontal corrugations, the corrugation angle, with respect to the vertical plane, is not to be greater than 45° to enable the cleaning jet to have sufficient impact on the tank
surface. Further consideration is to be given based on the cargo tank cleaning system diagram and the shadow diagram. - Horizontal Surfaces: Horizontal surfaces are to be capable of draining under normal ballast conditions to avoid cargo accumulation.
Find out more by clicking at ABS Guide
Source: ABS