ABS has published the ABS Guidance Notes on the Development of Procedures and Technical Manuals, providing clients with best practice methodologies for developing instructional materials.
Appropriately written and implemented instructional materials can reduce the cognitive effort and the memory element of performing a task, which helps to reduce human errors. The new Guidance Notes explain the process of developing documents as well as the benefits derived from appropriate document design, development, implementation and life-cycle tracking.
The Guidance Notes includes a general discussion of instructional aids, guidance for writing instructional material, guidelines for verifying, validating, approving and certifying the documents, and how to manage change related to updates or the introduction of new procedures. Tools such as a sample constrained language list and analysis techniques for verifying and validating instructional material are included.
Guidance Notes Sections :
• Section 2- The Role of Instructional Materials
• Section 3- Writing Instructional Materials
• Section 4 -Graphics in Instructional Materials
• Section 5- Managing Instructional Materials
• Sectoin 6 -Verifying, Validating, Approving, Certifying, and Implementing Instructional Materials
Please click below to view tABS Guidance for Developingf Processes and Procedures
Source: ABS