Thank you for your interest in Green4Sea.
Why Green4Sea ?
Green4Sea is a dedicated Maritime Environmental portal, a PRO BONO concept to promote Maritime Environmental Awareness.
Evolution of maritime Regulatory Compliance has indicated that in these days an organisation has to be prompt and proactive in terms of Environment protection in order to survive. All organizations have to inject Green DNA into their operations and in that respect we all need to promote the Environmet Concept to make our life and the life of next negerations better.
What is Green4Sea’ Objectives ?
Green4Sea’s Mission is to make practical Green Shipping easy to understand for everyone in the industry, promote operational excellence and improve people perception by promoting environemental awareness in a wide range of maritime aspects.
Green4Sea web portal has been launched on November 2011, by Apostolos Belokas. Further upgrades are planned on the basis of our limited resources.
As part of the communication of the concept Green4Sea Forum will be hosted on March 2011.
How may I be of help ?
You may be of assistance in the following ways :
- Submit your views, opinion or article for publication on the Green4Sea Website
- Participate in the Green4Sea Forum event to share your views and ideas
- Stay tuned / informed and share the concept and promote green shipping within your circle of colleagues
How may I Contact you ?
You may use the Contact Form