SAFETY4SEA Crew Welfare Survey Report 2021
Crew Welfare Survey Report | 2021 87 CONCLUSIONS Other major complaints were issues related to human factor (training on mental health is- sues, resilience meetings, mental health support by experts etc) and health care system (onboard and ashore health support). What is more, sev- eral participants highlighted how important is for the ship management to check crew feelings and their mental health on a timely manner and suggested medical insurance to the family onshore. Contracts termination / repatriation and shore leave were also among seafarers’ high concerns as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and crew change challenges. In open feedback questions, many respondents described how stressful the current situation is – a simple headache of fever can make the whole crew worry - and wish operations to return to normal soonest possible. Also, many were those who asked the whole crew to get vaccinated as well as to be provided with COV- ID-19 protection equipment such as facemasks and surgical gloves and highlighted the importance of training to get informed about latest updates regarding the pandemic. Other issues that need to be addressed were related to MLC issues, such as financial support, suggesting also ex- tra support and COVID-19 bonuses due to the pandemic, work load and food/water quality and quantity. Overall, crew welfare issues are being successfully ad- dressed according to the Crew Welfare Index of the survey which remains at a high level 71,35%. Although, the well- ness issues (related to aspects of social, emotional, physi- cal, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing) show a high satisfac- tory level for crew onboard, seafarers felt that the COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on their wellbeing and especially in their mental health due to uncertainty and their workload as a result of extended contracts and crew change challenges.
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