SAFETY4SEA Crew Welfare Survey Report 2021
Crew Welfare Survey Report | 2021 85 CONCLUSIONS Conclusions Welfare on board is defined by a variety of fac- tors for seafarers and the results of this survey re- vealed that many critical elements concerning the life onboard are in high satisfactory levels. While the in- dustry is currently addressing the aspects of wellness on board responsibly and significant steps have been made so far by many maritime stakeholders, more ac- tions are needed to maintain and enhance the level of satisfaction. ● ● Despite a high satisfaction level among crews, the pandemic had severe impact on seafarers who felt that both their health and wellbeing have been affected. ● ● The majority of the participants felt that their companies handled the crisis successfully with respect to information and COVID-19 up- dates provided onboard. ● ● The most regularly seen complaint from sea- farers was poor Internet connection and com- munication with people ashore. ● ● The majority focused on the need for mental support onboard and shore leaves. ● ● Particular attention was given to ways to en- hance mental, physical and social wellbeing (i.e. schedule meetings for resilient best prac- tices, improve recreation facilities and nutri- tion, organize activities onboard). With regards to crew satisfaction, the survey re- vealed that ship age and type play a significant role. Overall, male seafarers appear to be more satisfied than females. Filipino seafarers were the most satis- fied and Indian seafarers the least satisfied nationality groups. 16-25 is the most satisfied and >60 are the least satisfied age groups. Catering department is the most satisfied, followed by engine and deck depart- ment, respectively. Also, officers seem to be less sat- isfied than ratings. Crews serving on tankers are generally the most satisfied, while crew on containers are the least sat- isfied. Overall, the most satisfied seafarers serve on Gas Carriers. The most satisfied seafarers are male seafarers, Stewards, 36-45, onboard Passenger Ships of ship age 6 -10 years old while the less satis- fied seafarers are female seafarers Deck Officers, of age group 26-3, serving on Containerships aged 11- 15 years old.
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