SAFETY4SEA Crew Welfare Survey Report 2021

Crew Welfare Survey Report | 2021 3 Objective SAFETY4SEA Crew Welfare Survey aimed to as- sess status, provide feedback to all industry stake- holders and identify a roadmap to improve on an or- ganizational and industry level. Introduction Seafarers are the unsung heroes of our industry who are responsible for keeping the world supplied with raw materials, fuel, food and goods, including vi- tal medical supplies. Albeit the unprecedented chal- lenges and global restrictions, they work tirelessly around the clock to support global trade, even with extended contracts and without shore leaves. How- ever, the COVID-19 pandemic has made many of the seafarers feel physical and mental exhaustion, anxie- ty and sickness while the mental health issues appear an alarming increase. What is more, hundreds of peo- ple were denied medical care ashore, which is breach of international law according to the UN’s Internation- al Labour Organization’s committee of experts. This is the reason why we are talking about an ongoing humanitarian crisis for which industry stakeholders struggle for designating seafarers as key workers and be prioritized for vaccination in an effort to resolve the crew change crisis soonest possible. In this context, during 2021 Q2 & Q3, SAFETY- 4SEA ran a global crew welfare survey, asking from people onboard and ashore to provide feedback on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted work and life at sea. Participants were asked to answer ques- tions that cover key aspects of crew welfare. The sur- vey questionnaire was answered by a total of 14,768 Seafarers, serving on board 1,241 Ships. Survey At A glance Duration 6 months Participation 14,768 Seafarers 1,241 Ships INTRODUCT ION Welfare