SAFETY4SEA Content Partnership Brochure 2023

07 Explore more at SAFETY4SEA Cont ent Par t ner sh i p How to use this communication channel Present your opinions Have your own dedicated column What we offer Publish your opinions and expertise to a specific subject relevant to your company, either by writing for Opinions column, or via interviews with our editorial team. Benefits Your customers and targeted audience are in search for solutions, technical details, pros and cons and many more that will help at making a decision. We provide you with the ability to tap exactly at this stage of the customers journey and offer answers. Further- more, this option gives the opportunity to build brand awareness and establish credibility for your company. What we offer With your own dedicated column, you can have (in cooperation with our editorial team) full control of the content created and published and leverage the wide reach of to reach potential customers. Benefits You select the subjects and we provide you with specialized assistance to ensure the best results tailor made to your needs. This solution is commonly used with our magazines giving you a total 10 columns per year (6 on portal and 4 on magazine). 1 2 3 Post your articles What we offer provides you with the opportunity to create your own content (in the form of articles) and publish it on our portal. Benefits Endless possibilities to present your products and solutions from the point of view of your potential target audience, through one of the leading shipping portals worldwide. Your articles can be one subject – one article or part of a series for a specific subject. Our highly experienced editorial team can assist you and guide you to achieve the best results for your content. We also provide you with fully customizable publishing of your articles to specific target groups and/or content categories. Your logo/link here See Pricing Scheme PAGE #15