Port of Rotterdam presents the theory of Internet Logistics, called ‘The Dutch Twist’. It is a joint initiative of Douane and partners of Neutral Logistic Information Platform, NLIP. The Netherlands lead the way when it comes to logistical expertise and digital developments. Internet of Logistics enables users to be less focus on the physical documentation, and more on the exchange of data, as well as avoid mistakes.
All parties involved in the physical transportation process and experts on various fields of trade cooperated in building the Internet of Logistics.
In addition, all parties using the Internet of Logistics have to provide information in order for the system to gather them and give results concerning time of transmits, delays, errors, etc.
Marty van Pelt, Directie and Management Team Portbase supports that all parties should be willing to share information in a trusted network.
Firstly, they addressed the creation of a new logistics concept using IT technology and blockchain technology in order to bring together information concerning shipments.
The main idea was to focus on data rather than documents that contain them.
The project is based on data concerning:
- Waybills;
- Checkpoints;
- Shipping notices;
- Container sensors;
- Track-and-trace systems;
- Inspection reports.
The result is an information source that all parties interested in, have access.
Concluding, Port of Rotterdam states that the Internet of Logistics is an all-encompassing, highly accessible, security conscious environment.