The Britannia P&I Club has issued circular to provide latest updates regarding US Vessel Response Plans at Alaska and Oregon.
Western Alaska
The non–tank vessels in transit through Western Alaska waters en–route to or from a US port are required to follow Alternative Planning Criteria (APC) in order to fulfill federal requirements. In order to meet APC requirements Members have, to date, been required to enroll with one of the two providers of such services in Western Alaska, namely Alaska Maritime Prevention and Response Network (AK–AMPRN) and NRC/Resolve’s 1–Call Alaska. Operators are informed that a third APC provider, Alaska Response Company (ARC), has now been approved by the US Coast Guard (USCG). ARC’s plan covers the Western Alaska COTP Zone (including the Aleutians, Bristol Bay and Kodiak Island sub–areas) for international traffic coming either from a US port or going to a US port and/or transiting the Pacific Great Circle Route.
Enrolment includes coverage under the ARC plan in conjunction with its exclusive partner Aleutians Spill Control, Inc (ASCI). The enrolment agreements have been reviewed by the International Group and conform with the International Group’s Guidelines for US Vessel Response Plans.
South East Alaska
Operators are advised that the contract offered by South East Alaska Petroleum Response Organization, Inc (SEAPRO) has been revised. The revised wording has been reviewed by the International Group and conforms with the International Group’s Guidelines for US Vessel Response Plans. It is therefore no longer necessary for shipowners to purchase additional cover if entering into a contract with SEAPRO for their vessels calling at ports in South East Alaska.
Operators are also advised that the Coos Bay Response Co–operative (CBRC) “Umbrella” Oil Spill Contingency Plan (February 2014) has recently been reviewed by the International Group. The Plan does not contain anything that would prejudice shipowners’ P&I cover. Therefore no additional cover is required for those shipowners wishing to enrol in the Plan to cover their vessels transiting Coos Bay waters in order to comply with the oil spill contingency plan requirements for the State of Oregon.
Other Non–conforming Contracts
Operators are reminded that some oil spill response contractors in Alaska, Oregon and Hawaii have contracts which do not conform to the IG’s Guidelines for vessel response plans. Additional insurance may therefore be required by operators trading to these areas and Members should contact their respective Club for details of the additional insurance available.
The International Group is continuing to engage with such contractors in order to seek conformity with the Guidelines to ensure that additional insurance in this respect will be unnecessary in the future.
Further details may be found by reading the circular below
Source:Britannia P&I Club