US Secretary Rick Perry welcomed President Trump’s Action on A.I, while also announcing an XLab Summit on Artificial Intelligence in Chicago. This came after the Trump Administration published the National AI R&D Strategic Plan: 2019 Update.
Secretary Perry stated that:
The Trump Administration’s Artificial Intelligence R&D strategy emphasizes the pivotal role that public-private partnerships will play in maintaining America’s global leadership in Artificial Intelligence
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Under this light, Mr. Perry encouraged the next DOE Innovation XLab Summit in Chicago to focus on Artificial Intelligence. During the summit, which will take place in October, DOE’s national labs will collaborate with private industry to present the capabilities of Supercomputers. Mr. Perry explained that the possibility of DOE-fueled Artificial Intelligence is enormous and he is excited for what results this innovation will yield in the future.
The Innovation XLab Artificial Intelligence Summit gathers actors from the energy, transportation, healthcare and manufacturing sectors with researchers from the Department of Energy’s National Laboratories to discuss how advanced Artificial Intelligence tools and techniques can boost business transformation and US’s competitiveness.
The Summit, hosted by Argonne National Laboratory, is the fourth in the US Department of Energy’s Innovation XLab series that shows the remarkable assets of the Department’s National Laboratories, aiming to begin deeper engagement between industry and the Labs to advance innovation and growth.
In addition, Under Secretary Dabbar, highlighted that:
All sectors, from strengthening cybersecurity and national security, increasing energy efficiency, optimizing grid security and resiliency, and developing innovative health solutions, have the potential to benefit from utilizing DOE Supercomputers to fuel their Artificial Intelligence work. This updated strategy shows how committed this Administration is to the U.S. continuing as a world leader in AI
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