Acknowledging the challenges that naval, cruise and merchant vessel operators face during COVID-19, the U.S. Navy has released new guidelines in case of coronavirus on board.
According to the US Navy the goal is a COVID free workplace, but adds that asymptomatic personnel will be present. For this reason, day-to-day actions must assume COVID is present and crew must wear face coverings, wash their hands, and conduct routine ship dis-infecting.
Actions prior to deployed/underway operations
Firstly, the US Navy recommended screening for existing medical conditions to take place for personnel at higher risk for COVID morbidity and mortality. While, those crew should also be considered left ashore.
In addition, in case of COVID-19 case, a 14 day quarantine should apply, which could be increased to 21 days. If quarantining on a ship, crews should consider widespread use of Cohort watch sections and widespread use of N-95 or surgical masks.
Moreover, daily self-monitoring for influenza-like illness (ILI), along with ship dis-infection to maximum level should take place.
When a Crew Member starts showing signs of possible COVID infection
- Isolate and get the Crew member to medical for evaluation. This is a Patient Under Investigation (PUI)
- Isolate until cleared by a medical department representative (MDR).
- Identify, quarantine and screen close contacts
- Continue to evaluate PUI and close contacts1 => medical providers shall use PPE
Contain spread
- Enforce personal hygiene practices: Wash hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use a hand sanitizer that contains a minimum of 60% alcohol; b. Avoid touching the face; Sneeze or cough into a tissue, or into the inside of elbow; Because physical (social) distancing is challenging onboard ships, cloth face coverings should be worn by all crewmembers at all times to the maximum extent practical.
- Hold 3x daily cleaning stations / sweepers (morning, afternoon, and evening) using “Spray-WaitWipe” with bleach disinfectant method–especially high traffic and contact areas.
- PPE measures in chow lines / sculleries.
- Secure or limit gyms.
- Maintain separate routes to minimize interactions.
- Refine ship / squadron delivery procedures to minimize contact with driver/delivery crew.
- Segregate squadrons.
- Aircrew self-assessment and sequester as operations allow.
Monitoring sick patients
- Individuals identified as having confirmed or probable COVID-19 will be placed under isolation and evacuated off the ship as soon as practical if developing more severe symptoms.
- Ill individuals will don facemask while transiting the ship.
- Isolation cabin should be set up such that it is can be easily cleaned.
- Ensure that all cutlery and plates are washed in a dishwasher after use and that the person delivering and removing the items washes their hands before and after.
- Maximize availability of onboard counseling resources, mental health specialists, resiliency
support, chaplain support.