UK Chamber joins Marine Litter Action Network
The UK Chamber this week participated in a workshop on marine litter coordinated by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).
The Marine Litter Action Network workshop brought together people from across the sectors: from waste, to retailers and manufactures to NGOs and government, to develop proactive and achievable measures to be submitted as part of the UK Marine Strategy Framework Directive.
The main concerns raised around commercial shipping related to paraffin wax and palm oil products washed up on UK coasts. The UK Chamber had the opportunity to inform the group on recent IMO developments to regulate such discharges and we also gave an update on efforts and actions taken by the industry with regard to garbage management which were welcomed by the group.
It was agreed that more joint working was needed between the MCA, MMO and DfT for the identification and control of the sources of such discharges. The attendance by the UK Chamber as the sole voice of our industry was therefore timely.
David Balston, the UK Chamber’s Director of Safety and Environment said: “UK shipping is and must do all it can to minimize its environmental footprint including avoiding adding to marine litter whether in liquid or solid form. The UK Chamber was therefore very pleased to have been able to contribute to this very worthwhile workshop.“
“The event shows how people from across the sectors want to come together to tackle the issue of marine litter and we will draw on the inspiration from the day to drive real actions and change in the coming year“, MCS Pollution Programme Mananger, Dr Laura Foster said.
A series of focused workshops are intended to be held throughout the year to tackle specific issues before solutions are published in June 2015.
Source: UK Chamber of Shipping