IT systems are currently experiencing problems
On 1 January 2011 it became mandatory to electronically submit Advance Cargo Declarations to relevant customs authorities when entering the area of the EU Customs Union.
In the past six months this requirement has caused some headaces to traders, as the individual nationalIT systems that were supposed to be the platform for submissions of cargo declarations were different for each EU member state, and were not always functioning properly.
The Greek IT systems are currently experiencing problems when lodging electronic Entry Summary Declarations (ENS) in vast volumes. To mitigate the effects hereof, the European Commission, through the European Community Shipowners’ Associations (ECSA)has advised thatsome EU Mediterranean Member States (i.e. Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, France, Cyprus, Malta) can temporarily serve for the lodgement of ENS on behalf of Greece.
Traders can therefore follow two options:
a) Continue to use interfaces and services currently offered by Greek customs;
b) Request the Greek customs to be allowed to use a temporary solution whereby all the ENS to be lodged in Greece will be lodged in other EUmember statewhere the trader has an electronic connection to customs. In this case, the trader will declare an alternative location (in a different member state) as Office of First Entry in the ENS, whereas the originally Greek First office of Entry will have to be declared in ENS as a subsequent office of Entry.
This is a mandatory condition for trade and it will enable Greek customs to be informed about possible risks detected by themember statecarrying out the risk analysis. This latter solution is only temporary, and BIMCO will follow developments closely and advise members accordingly.
Source: BIMCO