In its weekly report for 5-11 February, ReCAAP ISC informed of three incidents that took place. Of the three incidents, one occurred on February 6, whereas the other two occurred in January. The incidents in January 2019 were reported to ReCAAP ISC by Contact Point Hong Kong after verification with the relevant agencies.
The two incidents both happened in China.
Specifically, the first piracy attack occurred on a bulk carrier in Hong Kong, that while at anchor, two perpetrators armed with a steel bar came
alongside the ship in a boat and boarded the ship via the port quarter using a rope.
As the crew spotted the perpetrators who upon realising that the crew had been alerted, they escaped empty-handed immediately.
After the incident, the duty officer and duty AB conducted anti-piracy measures.
The second incident was on a bulk carrier called ‘FMG Northern Spirit’, in Hong Kong.
While at anchor, the crew on the bridge wing saw a barge close to the ship side on the starboard quarter and raised the alarm.
As the crew rushed out to the bridge wing starboard side, they noticed two perpetrators on board.
The perpetrators were lowering hoses to the barge from the starboard quarter. Once the hoses were lowered, the perpetrators slid down a rope tied to the gangway base onto the barge, where another perpetrator was waiting.
The barge went astern and escaped. Upon checking the area where the perpetrators were sighted, the sounding caps of MDO storage and MDO service tanks were found opened.
The MDO storage tank had oil stains around the sounding pipe. Yet, nothing was missing.
The actions that were taken after the attack were that the master:
- raised the alarm;
- mustered the crew;
- carried out search;
- informed VTS.
In both piracy attacks, nothing was reported stolen and there were no injuries concerning the crew.
Moreover, the third piracy attack occurred in Indonesia and to the vessel ‘Maersk Capri’, a Petroleum/chemical tanker, Singapore.
Specifically, while at anchor, the duty AB conducted a security round and noticed a perpetrator at the forecastle.
When the perpetrator saw him, he escaped through the hawse pipe and jumped into a wooden boat.
After that, the master raised the alarm, mustered the crew, and conducted the search.
There were no injuries reported. However, the fire hose nozzle was stolen.
The ReCAAP ISC urges ship master and crew to report all incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships to the nearest coastal State and flag State, exercise vigilance and adopt relevant preventive measures taking reference from the Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships in Asia.