The future of this important maritime institution looks more secure Just about everyone in the maritime world agrees that the World Maritime University has been a thoroughly positive development.It was inaugurated in 1983, primarily to provide the practical assistance for the developing world to bring its maritime administrations up to the necessary level to enable them to implement all the regulatory activity being produced by its parent body, the International Maritime Organization.It has, over the years, educated graduates from 157 countries and has established a reputation for advanced education, training and research for a whole range of marine specialities. More important its alumni, now around 3,000 spread around the world, are exactly the people international maritime industry needs to uphold high standards in a universal fashion. Financing the WMU, despite its growing reputation, has been something of a struggle. It is too young an institution to have built up the funds necessary to provide it with the financial stability that is necessary to help it to ride out the occasional economic storms. And while the member states of the parent body agree as to the university's usefulness, only a small minority of member states contribute to its upkeep. Ideally, all ...
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