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Available codes and standards re the provisions of MLC Regulation 3.1

The purpose of Regulation 3.1 is to ensure seafarers'accommodation and recreational facilities The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) has issued document to provide member states with information concerning currentlyavailable codes and standards related to the provisions of Regulation 3.1: Accommodation and Recreational Facilities.The purpose of Regulation 3.1 is to ensure that seafarers enjoy decent accommodation andrecreational facilities on board ships consistent with promoting their health and well-being.Ratifying states are obliged to develop, adopt and implement laws that give full effect to allprovisions of the MLC, including subject Regulation 3.1 and associated Standard A3.1, and it isthese national requirements, rather than the MLC itself, with which ship operators must comply.Some of the provisions in Standard A3.1 are detailed and prescriptive while others are more broadlyexpressed. Many simply refer to the need for measures to be "adequate", "acceptable" or"sufficient", leaving it to individual member states to specify appropriate criteria in each case.Provisions in Standard A3.1 which are general and for which specific criteria need to be defined byeach member state are listed below:the accommodation shall be adequately insulated (para 6.(b)),...satisfactory arrangements are made for lighting and ventilation... (para 6.(d)),...external bulkheads shall be efficiently constructed of steel or other approved substance... (para ...

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