Meteorological system in the Kara Sea gets restored
As part of a large-scale summer Arctic research expedition "Kara-Summer - 2014" a meteorological station was installed that meets the latest modern requirements for such equipment, on the island of Uedinenie. The expedition organized by the "Arctic Research and Development Center" (a joint venture of "Rosneft" and ExxonMobil), with the support of the specialists from the FGBI "Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute" has completed the restoration of the system of meteorological observations in the Kara Sea, where previously as commissioned by the Company three more stations were installed. This will allow supplying the region with a full-fledged complex of meteorological monitoring. Also, preventive maintenance of all previously installed meteorological stations on the archipelago Novaya Zemlya was carried out. The Company is systematically implementing an extensive program to restore all systems of meteorological observations in the Arctic, and the expedition is planning to install a few more meteorological stations in the Laptev Sea and the East Siberian Sea. A unified network of meteorological observation will not only allow optimizing the works on geological exploration and increasing the effectiveness of extraction works, but it will also enable a series of large-scale scientific and research programs to study the region. The amount ...
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