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MARAD Advisory Re Japanese Power Plant

Avoid transiting within 50 miles The Maritime Administration (MARAD) issued an Advisory stating that,due to radiation leaks from the damaged nuclear power plant near Fukushima,Japan, vessels are urged to avoid transiting within 50 miles of that site (37-19North, 141-01 East).This cautionary area may expand depending uponprevailing wind and weather.In the event that a vessel bound for the UnitedStates has transited within the cautionary area, the master should submit transitinformation, including the date and total time within the cautionary area, to thecognizant USCG Captain of the Port (COTP) using the comment block on the 96-hour advance notice of arrival (ANOA).To view the Advisory please click hereSource: MARAD

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USCG & MARAD warning to yachts and sailing vessels for pirates

Warning to U.S. registered yachts and sailing vessels The U.S. Coast Guard strongly advises against all operation of and travel by U.S. yachts and sailing craft, or by U.S. citizens on foreign registered yachts and sailing craft, on the Gulf of Aden, Arabian Sea, Somali Basin and the western parts of the Indian Ocean.A U.S. registered sailing vessel was hijacked by pirates in February 2011 off the southern coast of Oman in the northern Arabian Sea and all of its crew were tragically killed. This case is a stark reminder of the grave dangers of operating in these high risk waters, especially by recreational vessels.All mariners already in these waters are urged to register with the Maritime Security Centre (Horn of Africa) for up to date advice and guidance on passage round the Horn of Africa. They should also report regularly to the UKMTO (email: [email protected]; Tel: +971 50 552 3215), giving location, course and speed, and plan their routing carefully to reduce the risk of an attack.Piracy is a significant threat in the Gulf of Aden and the northwest Indian Ocean and has occurred in excess of 1000 nautical miles from the coast of Somalia. Up-to-date information about attacks ...

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