Tag: speed reduction

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Voluntary Speed Restrictions in Effect

Dynamic Management Area has been established in the vicinity of Jordan Basin The Republic of the Marshall Islands issues Marine Safety Advisory regarding VOLUNTARY SPEED RESTRICTIONS IN EFFECT as follows:Please be advised that the NOAA's (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) National Marine Fisheries Service has announced that a voluntary vessel speed restriction zone (Dynamic Management Area - DMA) has been established in the vicinity of Jordan Basin to protect an aggregation of 15 right whales sighted in this area on 9 January 2012. This DMA is in effect immediately through 24 January 2012. Mariners are requested to route around these areas or transit through them at 10 knots or less.The coordinates for this DMA are as shown below. Please note that the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a news release stating that civil penalties assessed against three large commercial vessels for violating seasonal speed limits intended to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whales this last fall have been paid in full. Cases against six other vessels for the same offense are still open.Vessels of 65 feet or greater in length are restricted to speeds of ten knots or less in seasonal management areas along the East ...

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Seasonal speed restrictions for vessels on the East Coast of the US Ships

New voluntary right whale speed restriction zone The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Service has announced a voluntary vessel speed restriction zone dynamic management area (DMA) in the vicinity of Jeffreys Ledge to protect an aggregation of 15 right whales.The whales were sighted in this area on 16 November and this DMA is in effect immediately through to 1 December. Mariners are requested to route around this area or transit through it at 10 knots or less.Jeffreys Ledge DMA - active until 1 December 43 25N42 37N070 44W069 39WJordan Basin DMA - active through to 24 November 43 52N43 04N068 51W067 50WCashes Ledge DMA - active through to 23 November 43 34N42 40N069 46W068 33WActive Seasonal Management Areas (SMAs)Mandatory speed restrictions of 10 knots or less (50 CFR 224.105) are in effect in the following areas:Mid-Atlantic SMAs - active through to 30 April 2012Southeast SMA - active through to 15 April 2012For details and graphics of all ship strike management zones currently in effect, visit www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/shipstrikeApproaching a right whale closer than 500 yards (457m) is a violation of Federal and State law. Please report all right whale sightings to +1 978-585-8473. For more information on right whale aerial ...

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