The LNG marine transportation industry has an enviable safety record and, in the 49 years since the first commercial cargo was transported from Algeria to the UK, 7,200 million m3 of LNG has been safely delivered on approaching 75,000 loaded voyages. This excellent safety record stems from adherence to rigorous codes and standards for the design, construction and operation of both the vessels employed and the marine terminals where they load and discharge their cargo.The codes, standards and industry guidelines were written by drawing on the expertise of the people engaged in the industry and they have been continuously updated and reviewed in light of experience. With the advent of ‘small scale’ LNG usage, particularly in its use as a marine bunker fuel, it is essential that the knowledge and experience is publicised to new participants in the LNG industry.SIGTTO and SGMF have jointly issued the following document to provide a description of all guidance available and sufficient details. In the onset, I was explicit with you propecia before and after has changed my existence. It has become much more fun, and now I have to run. Just as it is fabulous to sit.
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