Tag: ship propulsion

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MV LEOPARD : The safety aspects of anti-piracy measures implemented

DMAIB safety report unveils that security measures did not prevent pirates The Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board (DMAIB) has issued Safety Report regarding the pirate attack on MV LEOPARD on January 12, 2011 which was attacked by Somali pirates appr. 200 nautical miles southeast of the coast of Oman.When the pirates had taken control of the ship and the crew, they tried in vain to tow the LEOPARD to the Somali coast. Later in the evening, the crew were transferred to the pirates' mother ship as hostages.The ship as such was not captured, but had to be left in open sea, due to a defect in the propulsion system that the pirates had inadvertently caused during the attempted capture.The Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board has investigated the safety aspects of the anti-piracy measuresimplemented by the shipowner, the operator and various crews in connection with the passage of the Gulf of Aden.During a number of years, the shipowner, the operator, and the various crews hadimplemented a number of measures meeting the recommendations that later became international. However, these measures did not prevent the pirates from boarding the ship.The Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board has noted that anti-piracy measures may have an ...

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Recommendations for CIC on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery

Steamship Mutual P&I Club issues Loss Prevention Bulletin A Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on "Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery" has been announced by the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU and will commence on 1st September 2013. Steamship Mutual P&I Club issues a Loss Prevention Bulletin for the inspection campaign.The 45 Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding on Port State Control (PSC) will begin a joint concentrated inspection campaign with the purpose to ensure compliance with SOLAS Chapter II-1. The duration of this inspection campaign will be three months, ending on 30th November 2013.Shipowners should note that other PSC MoU's will also carry out a CIC on the same topic during this period. During this campaign Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will verify applicable documents and confirm the safety of propulsion and auxiliarymachinery, especially the working order and maintenance of the main engines, auxiliary engines, auxiliary equipment and their related alarm systems and controls. Special attention will be given to familiarity of the crew with safety and emergency procedures with regard to these systems.RecommendationsThe recommendations listed below address the requirements that will need to be satisfactorily demonstrated during the course of theinspections to be undertaken in this ...

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Shipping Has Great Potential to Reduce Its Environmental Impact

Royal Academy of Engineering study examines future ship powering options Shipping has great potential to reduce its environmental impact through new and modified propulsion technologies - but there is no single or simple answer that will meet every need or that can be applied to every type of vessel. Instead, says a report by an expert working group at the Royal Academy of Engineering, further work is needed in two directions:- to adapt current technologies from the maritime industries and elsewhere to broader application in different types of ship- to research and develop innovative technologies specifically for maritime propulsion.The report is intended as a technical aid to the shipping industry which is under pressure internationally to improve its environmental record and increase efficiency. Sir John Parker, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering and himself formerly identified closely with the UK shipbuilding industry, said the report was both broad in its application and informed by the expertise that the working party had assembled.Sir John said: "Shipping is vital to the world economy. It is a critical part of international import and export markets and supports the global distribution of goods. As for all industries, concerns about climate change require the ...

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