Tag: ship inspections

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General Guidelines on PSC Detention

The Hong Kong Marine Department has issued Merchant Shipping Information Note to remind to remind shipowners, ship managers and ship masters of their responsibilities to ensure their ships are properly maintained and of the procedures to follow when deficiencies are found or when the ship is detained during a PSC inspection.

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Recommendations for CIC on Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery

Steamship Mutual P&I Club issues Loss Prevention Bulletin A Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) on "Propulsion and Auxiliary Machinery" has been announced by the Paris MoU and Tokyo MoU and will commence on 1st September 2013. Steamship Mutual P&I Club issues a Loss Prevention Bulletin for the inspection campaign.The 45 Maritime Authorities of the Paris and the Tokyo Memoranda of Understanding on Port State Control (PSC) will begin a joint concentrated inspection campaign with the purpose to ensure compliance with SOLAS Chapter II-1. The duration of this inspection campaign will be three months, ending on 30th November 2013.Shipowners should note that other PSC MoU's will also carry out a CIC on the same topic during this period. During this campaign Port State Control Officers (PSCOs) will verify applicable documents and confirm the safety of propulsion and auxiliarymachinery, especially the working order and maintenance of the main engines, auxiliary engines, auxiliary equipment and their related alarm systems and controls. Special attention will be given to familiarity of the crew with safety and emergency procedures with regard to these systems.RecommendationsThe recommendations listed below address the requirements that will need to be satisfactorily demonstrated during the course of theinspections to be undertaken in this ...

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RightShip Inspection Follow Up Updates

RightShip's ship inspection and reporting procedures Following discussions initiated by the Union of Greek Shipowners with RightShip and facilitated by Lloyds Register, LR issued a news update to confirm RightShip's ship inspection and reporting procedures as follows:A dry cargo ship inspection will be carried out by RightShip inspectors either when recommended by RightShip or when requested by the ship operator.On completion of any inspection, the RightShip Ship Inspection Report, if listing any deficiencies, and following RightShip's review and assessment, will then be sent to the ship operator for review, comments and to advise what actions will be taken by the operator to address any deficiencies.Reported deficiencies that are considered to be of a serious nature and of a potential impact to the safety of the ship, the crew and or the environment shall have to be brought by the operator to the attention of the relevant classification society or flag administration as appropriate and are to be dealt with to the satisfaction of class / flag.Confirmation and evidence of action taken to address any deficiencies will be provided to RightShip in order to close these deficiencies accordingly.It is evident from the above that in case of any serious deficiency the ...

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