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ClassNK and NAPA in SEEMP deal

Energy Efficiency Management Plan project will also involve Imabari'shipping and shipbuilding arms Japanese classification society Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) and major ship design and operations software house are to collaborate to provide the most comprehensive solution for Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP).The SEEMP solution will combine modules to optimise trim, route and speed optimisation and weather routing with an analytical service to offer operational efficiency and decision support. The system is intended to allow owners and operators to respond quickly and adapt operations in real-time to "capitalise on latent efficiencies within operations in order to increase eco-efficiency and reduce fuel consumption as a solution for SEEMP".A statement says: "The collaborative solution builds upon the in-depth understanding of ship performance in practice delivered by two world-leading companies in their respective fields. By sharing their expertise, this co-operation will provide an unrivalled service for ship owners, operators and shipbuilders across the globe seeking to rationalise energy consumption and emissions, reduce fuel costs and find an effective solution for SEEMP, for which regulation will come into force on 1st January 2013, ultimately mitigating the environmental impact of operations."ClassNK and NAPA say that they are working closely with Japan's largest shipbuilder, Imabari Shipbuilding, ...

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Germany: Ship Energy Efficiency Management System

SEEMP is applicable to new and existing ships of 400 gross tonnage and more The German Administration BG-Verkehr has issued the following Circular No 02/2012, which adresses the Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP), which is applicable to new and existing ships of 400 gross tonnage and more, and to be provided on-board according to the schedule which is reminded in the Circular.The Circular is intended to advise companies in developing a SEEMP and requests concerned companies to note the applicable IMO documents referenced in the Circular.For more information, click here.Source: BG-Verkehr

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ClassNK issues SEEMP certificates

Approval of NYK Line and Semih Sohtorik ClassNK is part of a voluntary SEEMP certification programme Japanese classification society ClassNK has issued its first certification for Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plans (SEEMP). They are for Japanese shipowner NYK Line and Turkish ship management company Semih Sohtorik Management & Agency Inc (SSMA).ClassNK notes that new amendments to Annex VI of the Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) related to reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from ships were adopted at the 62nd session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in July 2011. The amendments require both new and existing ships with a gross tonnage of 400 tons or greater engaged on international voyages to retain a SEEMP onboard on or after 1 January 2013.In order to assist shipowners and managers comply with the new requirements, ClassNK has begun offering a voluntary SEEMP certification programme, and the certification of NYK Line and SSMA is part of that.ClassNK says in statement that, as part of the certification process, it carried out a thorough examination of both company's SEEMPs and verified that the contents and procedures for improving the energy efficiency of their ships included in their plans were in accordance ...

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NYK’s Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan First to Be Certified

Target of 10% CO2 Reduction NYK's Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan1 (SEEMP) and the company's implementation procedure have been certified by Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) to be in compliance with the IMO Guidelines adopted by MEPC 63, making the company's plan and implementation procedure the first in the world to receive this certificationSEEMP was developed by a specialized working group on greenhouse gas emissions convened by the International Maritime Organization's (IMO) Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and will incorporate best practices for the fuel efficient operation of ships, such as better speed management throughout a ship's voyage. Such efficiency measures will significantly reduce fuel consumption and, consequently, CO2 emissions.NYK's certification recognizes that its SEEMP complies with the formulation of guidelines adopted at the 63rd session of MEPC (MEPC 63), which was held from February 27 to March 2, 2012. SEEMPs will be mandatory for all ships from January 2013. Ahead of the international regulations, NYK formulated its own NYK Save-Bunker Manual by incorporating specific action plans aimed at efficient ship operation. By having each vessel make use of this manual since January 2009, NYK has been able to proactively enhance the efficiency of its ship operations. In addition, in the ...

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IMO: MEPC 63 Outcome

IMO adopts important guidelines to support implementation of mandatory energy efficiency measures An important series of guidelines to support the uniform implementation of mandatory measures to increase energy efficiency and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from international shipping was adopted by the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), when it met for its 63rd session from 27 February to 2 March 2012, at IMO Headquarters in London, paving the way for the regulations to be smoothly and uniformly implemented by Administrations and industry.The MEPC also continued its intensive discussion on market-based measures for greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping. During the busy session, the MEPC also adopted amendments to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) relating to regional arrangements for port reception facilities; and adopted guidelines related to the implementation of the revised MARPOL Annex V (Garbage) and the Hong Kong Convention for the recycling of ships.The MEPC also granted basic and final approval to a number of ballast water management systems that make use of active substances.Guidelines for implementation of energy efficiency measures adoptedThe MEPC adopted four sets of guidelines intended to assist in the implementation of the ...

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Round Table associations believe the timing is not right for an MBM

Round Table associations positions on GHG+MBMs As it issues its latest position paper on greenhouse gases from ships and market-based measures (attached below), the Round Table of international shipping associations (RT) is of the view that Market Based Measures (MBMs) are not justified at this particular time.The RT fully supports the adoption at IMO of mandatory Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships. It is convinced that the SEEMP will allow shipowners to better gauge their energy consumption and thereby enhance existing operational efficiency, since fuel is the single highest operational cost factor and this fact alone has already induced ship-owners to become more energy efficient.In the event that Market Based Measures (MBMs) are eventually introduced to shipping by IMO, these should apply globally and should completely address the nine principles adopted by IMO, it says.If ultimately it is found that technical and operational measures cannot wholly meet the agreed reduction targets, then any funds generated by means of a globally applied MBM for shipping must be controlled by IMO, says the RT, and, in large part, be disbursed to support further technological development focused on energy efficiency ...

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DNV: Impact of EEDI and SEEMP

EEDI will gradually reduce the emissions from the world fleet The results from the study show that, as new ships are built, the EEDI will gradually reduce the emissions from the world fleet by 3% in 2020, 13% in 2030 and 30% in 2050. The SEEMP will not directly mandate an emission reduction but, due to increased awareness of costs and reduction potentials, the study estimated the reduction to be 5-10% from 2015 onwards.EFFECT OF A SHIP ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN (SEEMP)The EEDI will mandate improvements in hull design and machinery, while the SEEMP will require ship owners to develop a plan for their ships. Operational measures have significant reduction potentials that, based on current fuel prices, are cost-effective. However, there seems to be limited uptake of these measures caused by non-financial barriers, such as lack of competence, lack of cooperation between players and split incentives. Higher fuel prices will only lead to a limited extra implementation of measures, but over time they will drive technology development and innovation.Other incentives will have to be in place to implement the existing set of measures. The SEEMP will initiate monitoring and target setting as well as the examination of concrete measures to ...

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Briefing from IMO Intersessional meeting on EEDI/SEEMP

The most important relevant items during the meeting INTERTANKO attended this week the IMO/MEPC Intersessional Meeting dedicated to finalisation of IMO guidelines for the calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency design Index (EEDI), the verification and control process of the data used for the EEDI calculation and the guidelines for the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).Some of the most important relevant items that were handled at this meeting are as follows:Cubic capacity correction factor for chemical tankers - We remind you that when the EEDI regulation was approved by MEPC 62 in July 2011, it was agreed to include into the EEDI formula a cubic correction factor for chemical tankers which should take into account the cubic capacity of these ships as related to their deadweight. This week's meeting had to conclude on how to determine such a correction factor.After a number of deliberations, the cubic correction factor for chemical tankers will be determined by the formula fc = R-0.7 - 0.014 (fc = 1 when R = 0.98) where R is the ratio between the ship's deadweight and its capacity. The value of the correction factor is illustrated in this graph on which the red line is the ...

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Feature: New news, old news

Top 100s, Top 20s, Reviews of the Year Top 100s, Top 20s, Reviews of the Year - all the rage at this time of year. A bit of fun by themselves and not much harm, they provide a good opportunity to rank and review who has done what in the past year and even what we might expect.It might be the nature of the new mass media world that we live in, but not only does time appear to run faster, we also forget more quickly. Looking back I found plenty of reminders of what I had already forgotten, much of it informative for 2012.The year began with a terrible dry bulk market and bad news coming in the form of tonnage oversupply, doom-laden freight rate forecasts and the short term impact of floods in Australia. This saw the publication of the first ever negative Baltic freight rate assessment and analysts queuing up to pronounce the end of the world - your correspondent not least.Plunging rates coincided with a spike in commodity price and demand, though these positions have traded places over the course of the year. However we end 2011 with the Capesize market supported by port congestion and ...

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