Tag: SeaSense

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SeaSense – Expert Thinking on one year of IMO Cap implementation

Although all lights are shed on COVID-19, let’s not forget that last year the long anticipated IMO Sulphur cap became effective. Now, after one year of implementation,  it is time to come to conclusions; in that regard,  in our Sea Sense column,  in association with The North of England P&I Club, we ask global experts to make their assessment whether we succeeded or not:

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SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Crew Health

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, sheds light on crew health. Health is the most important thing for anyone, let alone seafarers due to their challenging job. Rest hours, working out, food, better accommodation and mental health, are all key elements towards ensuring a healthy lifestyle.  For this reason, we asked maritime experts to make their assessment whether the industry has taken significant action towards

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SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Safety Performance

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, gives emphasis on safety performance. Today, shipping industry should be able to measure real safety performance. For this reason, focus on measuring and assessing performance is necessary, as it will provide ways to develop and manage challenges successfully. Eventually, measuring safety performance accurately, will give a clearer picture of how the industry is doing things. 

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SeaSense – Expert Thinking on Enclosed Space Entry

This time, our special column, in association with The North of England P&I Club, gives emphasis on enclosed space entry. The dangers of enclosed space entry on board ships is rising as the hidden enemy for crews, with human element failures often considered as a key cause, including; fatigue, complacency and cutting corners. These highlight improper training, insufficient hazard awareness, and perhaps a need for enclosed spacer entry to be reviewed further more. In this regard, we asked global experts to share their views on the following question: Does enclosed space entry need more regulation?

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