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2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum – Kostas G. Vlachos

Kostas Vlachos , COO, CMM (Latsis group) presented "Challenges in promoting a safer operating environment on board" at 2015 SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum. He referred to the challenges for a safer environment onboard stating that from a tanker's owner prospective accidents may occur due to either improper shipboard implementation by crew or the wrong way that messages from lessons to learnt are passed from top to bottom or numerous ineffective control mechanisms (e.g. audits) that fail to operate properly. He focused on providing guidance and answers on how to properly manage these three challenges.The 2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfullyconcluded on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting1100 delegates from 30 countries representing a total of 480 organizations.A unique panel of 24 global experts presented latest maritime safety perspectives, best practices, security trends, loss prevention issues and human element challenges. Positive feedback on the presentations together with roundtable discussions proved the programme and speakers successfully addressed current maritime issues.The event organized bySQE4SEA and sponsored byABS, ASPIDA, CHALOS & Co Law Firm, DNV GL, Dorian LPG, Hellenic War Risks, Hellenic Lloyd's Register, MAGSAYSAY, Marshall Islands Registry, Norsafe Group, Phoenix Register of Shipping, SpecTec Group, SQEMARINE, Steamship Mutual P&I ...

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2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum – Capt. John Dickie

Anti Piracy, Human Rights and other untold stories Capt. John Dickie, Secretary General, IFSMA gave a presentation entitled''Anti Piracy, Human Rights and other untold stories'' at 2015 SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum. He started his presentation with a statement made from research that '' Piracy and Armed Robbery are here to stay for the foreseeable future'' and explained that this not only shows a disturbing trend but also that the overwhelming and long term problem lies in the South China Sea. He stated that it is a non-disputable fact that armed security guards carried on board ships have been successful as there are no reported successful hijacking on a ship under way and carrying such personnel on board. He debated on IMB's concerns over the decision to compensate pirates and questioned the issue from the seafarers' perspective as they do have human rights and although they are abused, no compensation has evered received.The2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfullyconcluded on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting1100 delegates from 30 countries representing a total of 480 organizations.A unique panel of 24 global experts presented latest maritime safety perspectives, best practices, security trends, loss prevention issues and human element challenges. ...

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2015 SAFETY4SEA – Gundula Stadie-Frohbös

Risk assessment and safety barrier management for tanker operations Gundula Stadie-Frohboes, Head of Dep. Risk & Safety, Systems Engineering, DNV GL gave a presentation on ''Risk assessment and safety barrier management for tanker operations'' at 2015 SAFETY4SEA Athens Forum. She highlighted that one single factor might not lead to in an incident, but the combination of them, as there is mostly more than one reason behind an incident (e.g. design at the limit, manufacturing not as intended, operation at the limit). This problem can be controlled through "barrier management" which uses the bow-tie method in a continuous way. The bow-tie is in simple words a combination of fault and event tree methodology. An incident can happen if several prevention barriers, such as design, manufacturing control, operating and maintenance according to their specification, fail. She explained that for the barrier management several bow-ties are developed and combined and the barriers are continuously monitored. The2015 SAFETY4SEA Forum, a PRO BONO event, successfullyconcluded on Wednesday 7th of October 2015 in Eugenides Foundation Athens attracting1100 delegates from 30 countries representing a total of 480 organizations.A unique panel of 24 global experts presented latest maritime safety perspectives, best practices, security trends, loss prevention issues and human element ...

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