Tag: safe navigation

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Safe navigation practices for ships entering Australian waters

AMSA Marine Notice 21/2013 The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has issued Marine Notice 21/2013 to provide information about all navigational practices thatshould be followed by masters and navigatingofficers of ships in Australian waters.Passage plansRegulation 34 of Chapter V of SOLAS (Safenavigation and avoidance of dangeroussituations) requires that before proceeding to sea,the master must ensure that the intended voyagehas been planned. IMO Resolution A.893 (21)Guidelines for voyage planning provides moredetailed advice on passage planning. AMSAMarine Order 21 implements these requirementsin Australia.Voyage and passage planning includes:appraisal i.e. gathering all information relevantto the contemplated voyage or passage; detailed planning of the entire voyage or passage from berth to berth, including those areas requiring a pilot;execution of the plan; andmonitoring progress of the ship during theexecution of the plan.Passage planning should take into account the potential for reasonable unplanned diversions(due to change of commercial orders oremergencies) that may occur during passage.Any changes made to the plan should be consistent with the IMO guidelines and be clearly marked and recorded. For Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems (ECDIS), the voyage or passage plan should be validated by the route-checking function of ECDIS using appropriate safety parameters.If any charts required for the voyage are to ...

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Baltic Region Steams Ahead for Green Technologies and Alternative Fuels

Enhanced regional cooperation on alternative fuels for ships have been a key matter in the Meeting of HELCOM Maritime Group closing last week, which has followed up various maritime commitments of the HELCOM Copenhagen Ministerial Meeting in October 2013. Other agenda items include safety of navigation; ballast water; sewage discharges and port reception facilities and the detection, investigation and prosecution of offenders of anti-pollution regulations.

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