Tag: route optimisation

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ABB to optimize routes of giant Maersk Line container ships

 ABB is working with MeteoGroup to equip 140 container ships from Maersk Line with advisory software to optimize routes, boost maritime safety and protect precious cargo based on factors including the hull design and the weather; helping them avoid conditions that could be harmful to the ship, its crew or its cargo.The deal will see ABB combine its Octopus motion-monitoring, forecasting and decision-support software, which improves vessel availability and safety, with MeteoGroup’s SPOS Seekeeping plug-in. Once fitted on Maersk Line ships, this will enable captains to define on-board loading conditions, and more accurately determine areas of the ocean where their ship’s motion is likely to exceed threshold values. Routes can then be optimized automatically to skirt adverse conditions, ensuring cargo arrives safely and on-time at its destination port.“Both MeteoGroup and ABB take great pride in the fact that we are delivering an onboard advisory tool for the world’s biggest container shipping company,” said Heikki Soljama, managing director of ABB’s Marine and Ports business unit.“This will enable Maersk to execute cargo transportation across the world in a safe and efficient manner.”ABB’s Octopus advisory suite, which is also deployed aboard liquefied natural gas tankers and the world’s biggest cruise ships, includes a ...

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Maersk reduces fuel consumption and emissions through its Global Voyage Centre

Last year, Maersk Line owned and chartered fleet comprising 550 vessels completed about 37004 voyages called 33000 ports using 380 terminals in 117 countries. Given the sheer scope of Maersk Line’s operations, the Company is committed to reducing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. This puts energy efficiency as one of the crucial objectives. That means taking careful steps towards optimizing these 37004 voyages in terms of energy efficiency. Wondering how do they go about ensuring the successful implementation of this endeavour? That’s where Maersk Line’s Global Voyage Centre (GVC) comes into the picture. The Global Voyage Centre hosts a giant screen that, monitors in real-time,  the position of all the Maersk Line owned and chartered vessels.  A team of senior seafarers monitors these vessels 24×7 and provides support to improve their energy performance and facilitate best practice sharing. “The Global Voyage Centre was setup as a project in July 2013 by selecting a few Captains and Senior Navigating Officers from the fleet join the team with an objective to bridge the communication gap between the shore staff and the fleet as well as monitor the vessels on long ocean passages on a real time basis. The GVC has since evolved to take on ...

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