China PSC: An overview of 2020 key findings
China was one of the countries which showed a significant reduction to PSC inspections during 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Read moreDetailsChina was one of the countries which showed a significant reduction to PSC inspections during 2020, due to COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
Read moreDetailsCOVID-19 outbreak did not affect significantly the status and routine of PSC in the USCG area of responsibility. The reduction to inspections was 15% while the Global PSC showed a decrease number of 30%.
Read moreDetailsFor a ship owner/manager, detention is a worst case scenario. Not only the ship is delayed, imposing additional costs but it also disturbs the records of ship owner and all managed fleet.
Read moreDetailsEach country, following the guidance of the PSC regime it belongs, has specific PSC culture and practices but also each port has its own standards mostly depending on ships’ types calling at a port. Considering that each PSC Authority performs inspections during vessels’ port visit, a focus on ports’ PSC performance can reveal useful findings.
Read moreDetailsPort State Control (PSC) aims to verify that the condition of the ship and its equipment comply with the requirements of international regulations and that the ship is manned and operated in favor of enhanced maritime safety, security and pollution prevention.
Read moreDetailsThe Paris MoU Committee adopted its new performance lists for flag States and Recognized Organizations (ROs). These lists will take effect from the 1st of July 2021.
Read moreDetailsBesides the focused Concentrated Inspection Campaign on Emergency Systems, in general, the Port State Control Authorities are focusing on the procedures and equipment related to emergency systems during PSC inspections.
Read moreDetailsPSCO’s checklists have a dedicated LSA section with specific items to be checked. Some PSC authorities issue specific information and PSC findings on LSA equipment (eg AMSA). This a practice to declare the importance of such items and systems. After all, LSA is the type of equipment which aims to provide seafarers protection in case of emergency.
Read moreDetailsAs per the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code) a Flag State is encouraged on a periodic basis to evaluate its performance. As such, the Cayman Islands Shipping Registry (CISR) issued its key finding from ship inspections during 2019, providing details of Port State Control (PSC) performance, most common PSC deficiencies for Merchant ships in the fleet and most common deficiencies from Flag State inspections of yachts.
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