Tag: port upgrade

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Italian partners team up to innovate ports

Italian shipbuilder Fincantieri has entered into a preliminary collaboration agreement with financial institution Cassa depositi e prestiti (CDP) and natural gas infrastructure company Snam, aiming to implement medium-term strategic projects for the innovation of port facilities in Italy and of sustainable technologies applied to maritime transport.

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Japan focuses on port project in Angola

Trading company Toyota Tsusho and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation are joining forces on a port project in Angola that will be the largest of its kind for Japanese businesses, according to Nikkei Asian Review. Both companies aim to raising 70 billion yen ($643 million) from public and private lenders in Japan. Their goal is to help the African fund the effort. 

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Port of Long Beach updates its Master Plan

Port Master Plans outline strategic goals, operational initiatives and environmental policies, and evaluate the consistency of future developments and land uses with those goals, initiatives and policies. The Master Plan covers a Harbor District of nearly 2,700 acres of land and more than 4,500 acres of water. The current Master Plan divides the Harbor District into 10 planning districts and identifies permitted land and water uses.

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