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Clean Air Strategy for Northwest Ports

The Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma and Port Metro Vancouver setting goals to reduce emissions Photo Credit: Port of Seattle, Smith Cove Cruise Terminal aerials/ September 20, 2009. , Don WilsonThe Port of Seattle, Port of Tacoma and Port Metro Vancouver, Canada, have set draft goals to reduce diesel emissions by 75 percent per ton of cargo by 2015 and 80 percent by 2020. These ports have jointly developed the NorthwestPorts Clean Air Strategy-2013 Update with contributions from partner agencies.According to Clean Air Strategy, the ports intend to achieve the following emission reductions relative to a 2005 baseline:Reduce diesel particulate matter (DPM) emissions per ton of cargo by 75% by2015 and 80% by 2020, to decrease immediate and long-term health effects on adjacentcommunitiesReduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per ton of cargo by 10% by 2015and 15% by 2020, to limit contributions to climate change and reduce associatedenvironmental, health, and economic impacts.To reduce emissions in advance of and complementary to regulations, the Strategy Updatefocuses on voluntary actions to address three primary objectives:1. Reduce port-related air quality impacts from diesel particulate matter (DPM)emissions to decrease immediate and long-term health effects on human health, theeconomy, and the environment in the airshed.2. Reduce ...

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