Port of Amsterdam has joined the Clean Shipping Platform as a new partner. Van der Weide: "We are committed to being a sustainable port. Joining this platform will enable us to share and gain knowledge and experience at an early stage and to promote and encourage making the maritime sector sustainable." Martin Dorsman, Director of the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners KVNR and Chairman of the Clean Shipping Platform, is pleased that Port of Amsterdam has joined the platform: "Ports play a key role in facilitating and promoting clean shipping and we are consequently proud that Port of Amsterdam wants to contribute actively to this process." About Clean Shipping Platform The objective of the Clean Shipping Platform, which was established in 2007, is to bring about a broadly-based exchange of knowledge and experience that could help reduce emissions. This aim is achieved by promoting partnership and knowledge-sharing with respect to the application of emission-reducing technologies. For this purpose the platform organises three to four seminars on current environmental themes within sea shipping each year. In addition to Port of Amsterdam, the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners KVNR, Netherlands Maritime Technology, TNO, MARIN, the North Sea Foundation and Port of Rotterdam are ...
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