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EMSA launches procurement procedure for new oil spill recovery vessels

In order to enhance its response capacity network EMSA announced the launch of a procurement procedure to contract new stand-by oil spill recovery vessels in the Adriatic Sea, West Mediterranean Sea, and Central Mediterranean Sea. The contracted vessels would carry out normal commercial activities and, at request, be transformed and mobilised at short notice for at-sea oil recovery services during an oil spill.

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Grande America oil spill will not reach shore this week

According to the prefecture of Gironde, the latest estimates indicate that the oil spill from from the sinking of 'Grande America' will not reach the coast during this week. However, it warned that debris and containers could arrive in the coastline quicker. However, due to the many hazards and weather developments, the estimate of potentially affected coast points is the subject of daily assessments.

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Tanker spills oil in Port aux Basques Harbour

On Sunday, March 3, the North Atlantic Kairos, an oil supply tanker, experienced an oil spill in Port aux Basques Harbour. As Marine Atlantic informed, officials have contained the oil spill, while a boom has also been deployed. North Atlantic is investigating the cause of the spill, which is not expected to impact Marine Atlantic's crossings when weather conditions improve and operations resume.

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Oil spill reported from container ship in Oakland

The US Coast Guard informed that it responded to a sheen reported from a container ship moored at the Matson Terminal in Oakland, on 22 February. The crewmembers of the ship noticed the sheen on 21 February, shortly after mooring. The Matsonia crew started the ship's vessel response plan, informed the US Coast Guard and the National Response Center of the sheen and placed containment boom around the ship to contain the sheen.

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Oil spill incidents increase in S. Korea during 2018

The number of marine pollution and oil spill accidents in South Korea reported a rise during 2018, the Korea Coast Guard informed. Namely, a total of 288 accidents of sea pollution were reported in the country in 2018, an increase of 6%, or 271, from the previous year. The amount of pollutants that leaked into the sea in the accidents increased as well by 9% to 251 kiloliters in 2018.

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