Tag: offshore wind

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ClassNK invests in the Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo

ClassNK has further strengthened its renewable energy activities by agreeing to form a capital alliance with the Wind Energy Institute of Tokyo Inc. (WEIT) on 15 January.  Based on the agreement, ClassNK will acquire around 30% of WEIT’s shares through a third-party allotment and a nonexecutive director will represent ClassNK on the Institute’s Board of Directors. The partnership enables both parties to leverage their wealth of experience and knowledge to develop solutions to issues currently faced by the renewable energy industry. Operating Officer and General Manager of the ClassNK Renewable Energy Department Mr. Hirofumi Takano said: “Through this mutually beneficial agreement we will further accelerate the technological development of marine renewable energy and promote its practical application and commercialization. By offering our services we can help ensure the safety and success of future renewable energy projects for the benefit of the greater community.” Since its establishment in 2004, WEIT has provided a variety of services such as wind resource assessment and load analysis for wind turbine structures, making WEIT renowned as a leading technical institute for wind energy systems. WEIT has also been involved in multiple successful wind energy projects in complex site conditions common in Japan’s geography such as ...

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BMT provides guidelines for offshore wind farms in Taiwan

 A group of three companies have secured an important project supporting the development of Taiwan’s offshore wind sector. BMT Asia Pacific (BMT), a subsidiary of BMT Group Ltd, IT Power and Ramboll will work together to provide consulting services to Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI), and devise a set of localised, best practice guidelines for the future development of offshore wind farms in Taiwan.   The Taiwan government is actively promoting wind energy with a particular focus on offshore development. Although Asia's future energy demand will be met from a variety of sources, where offshore wind is viable and attractive, such as offshore Taiwan, this type of resource will form a major element of supply in the future. Current plans are to develop a series of demonstration offshore wind projects, expected to be between 100 to 300MW capacity each. By 2030 Taiwan will increase its overall wind power capacity (onshore and offshore) from 530MW to 4,200MW under an ambitious renewable energy plan unveiled by the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA). The upcoming guidelines will directly assist developers in achieving these future targets in an efficient, cost-effective and risk aware manner.    The guidelines will cover design, construction, operation and ...

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