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Simpler gas distribution using buoyant transfer system

A new, fully mobile solution for offloading natural gas from ships LNG carriers transport liquefied natural gas at very low temperatures to compress gas volumes. Depicted here is a small-scale LNG carrier featuring prismatic tanks designed and developed by LNG New Technologies. (Illustration: LNG New Technologies AS / Michael Grebstad)International demand for natural gas is high, and there are plentiful deposits to be found in many places. Gas is also more environment-friendly than other fossil fuels. The challenge lies in making it less difficult to transport to consumers - and Norwegian researchers are looking to do just that.Buoyancy transfer technology to increase distribution and consumptionWhen natural gas is cooled, it becomes liquid and its volume condenses by a factor of 600. This liquefied natural gas (LNG) can be readily transported by ship or stored in onshore bunkers."Currently, a port requires specially constructed facilities for offloading LNG from carriers," explains Morten A. Christophersen, Managing Director of Connect LNG. "We are developing an alternative solution for transferring the gas from ships to onshore bunkers that makes it possible to utilise simpler LNG terminals. This would help to increase distribution and use of natural gas, in more sparsely populated corners of the world ...

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