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France urges for Mediterranean ECA

BirdLife Malta announced that an alliance of European environmental organisations has adopted a declaration to designate the Mediterranean Sea an Emission Control Area, to limit air pollution from ships. The initiative comes after France undertook a bold attempt to push for a Mediterranean ECA, at a European Council working party meeting, in early March.

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NABU calls for better enforcement of SECAs

  During an expert discussion in the European Parliament NABU criticised the fact that there is virtually no surveillance scheme in place to control if ships meet the required bunker quality standards when sailing the North and Baltic Sea or the English Channel. The European Sulphur Directive (2012/33/EU) however limits the sulphur content for ship fuels as of January 1st 2015 to a maximum of 0.1% for ships operating in European waters declared as SECA in order to limit the sector's massive contribution to air pollution levels. Although there is only limited data available at the moment NABU stated that the number of ships being non-compliant are expected to be well over acceptable levels. The experts explained this view by demonstrating the economic advantage for cheaters in combination with a serious lack of enforcement when it comes to surveillance and penalties. NABU CEO Leif Miller said:"We definitely face a systematic malfunction if those market participants are the losers who run ships on cleaner fuels and according to the rules. At the moment there is a huge incentive for ship owners to be non-compliant as cheaters safe ten thousands of Euros per passage through the European SECA if they use the dirty fuel ...

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