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Lessons learned: Slippery deck gives way to new risk assessment

Mars Reports 2015 The Nautical Institute has issued a Mars Report regarding risk assessment review after an incident or accident.Deck crew were preparing for port arrival. It had been raining and the deck was wet; as a crew member was pulling a messenger rope he slipped while standing on a part of the deck that was painted yellow to indicate a snap back zone. He landed on his left hand, with the full weight of his body coming onto his wrist. This caused a splintered fracture of the radius wrist bone.The deck where the crew member slipped was not treated with a non-slip material. An earlier assessment had determined that to avoid abrasive damage to the HMPE ropes used for mooring it was preferable to leave the snap-back zones smooth.Lessons learnedPrevention of slips and injury should take precedence over avoiding damage to the ropes.The damage to HMPE ropes can be minimised by careful handling during mooring and preparation.This report is a good example of how risk assessments should be living documents'. A risk assessment must never be cast in stone and should be reviewed regularly, and especially after an incident or accident. In this case, the company wisely reviewed their ...

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